
Thursday, October 12, 2017

I Was Saved by Almighty God

21 I Was Saved by Almighty God

Zhang Min

The Church of Almighty God , Eastern Lightning, gospel
I Was Saved by Almighty God

I was formerly a leader of the Independent Church, in charge of more than a dozen churches, and had the final say on all the affairs of the churches. By my abilities to preach, compose songs, heal the sick, and drive out demons, I often showed myself off. So I became the “most able person” and the “toast” of the churches, exalted and looked up to by all the brothers and sisters, and became an idol in their hearts. They all thought highly of me and adored me. As a result, I became all the more self-right and arrogant. When I said “Yes,” none of them ever dared to say “No.” Whenever I went out to visit the churches or preach the gospel, a church member would be assigned to carry my book bag and luggage. Whichever church I went to visit, the brothers and sisters there would travel a long distance to pick me up and see me off. I kept all the brothers and sisters in the churches under strict control. Without my permission, no one should overstep the mark (that is, go out to seek the true way). It was not until I had accepted God’s work of the last days that I came to realize that I was in no sense one who led the churches but a leading demon that resisted the work of God.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being" Christian Music Video | Eastern Lightning 

The Church of Almighty God , Eastern Lightning ,Christian,

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being" Christian Music Video


I wanted to cry, but no place felt right.

I wanted to sing, but no song was found.

I wanted to express the love of a created being.

Searching high and low, but no words could say, could say just how I feel.

Practical and true God, the love inside my heart.

I lift my hands in praise, I rejoice that You came into this world.

The Almighty God’s Love Conquered Me | Eastern Lightning

18. The Almighty God’s Love Conquered Me

Gui Yan

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  Lord Jesus
The Almighty God’s Love Conquered Me

I was once a co-worker of the Praise Church. I remember that at the time when I just believed in the Lord, a preacher said that our generation was the most blessed and could be taken up in the air to meet the Lord when alive. The preacher also said that the Lord was right at the door now. Since then, I had been expecting the Lord’s return. And I made a resolution before the Lord that I would prepare enough oil to welcome his coming. The years went by, yet the Lord still had not returned. Our hearts, however, had become more and more distant from God, and everyone was in a slack and lethargic condition. Right at that time, I vaguely heard someone say, “The Lord has been incarnated in China.” I was just going to investigate what that was all about, but our leader said, “That is a heresy, a cult. If you follow them, you’ll never have good days. They will take away your child, hack off your arms and legs, and ruin your family….” After hearing the leader’s words, I made up my mind that I must stand the testimony for the Lord and not be deceived by the heresy or cult.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Only Almighty God’s Word Can Save Me | Eastern Lightning 

131 Only Almighty God’s Word Can Save Me

Xiao Lian

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning   God’s Words
Only Almighty God’s Word Can Save Me

Since I believed in Jesus, I had often read the Bible and memorized its verses, and the Bible had become my faithful companion. I held the view that God could only be found in the Bible, God would never work beyond the Bible, and whoever departed from the Bible was not a believer in God. So, for fifteen years, I took the Bible as the treasure, and I even put it at the head of my bed when I slept at night, which in my view meant that God would be with me. However, I had never expected that when God’s work of the last days came upon me, I resisted and condemned it with the Bible for six years, and actually became a Pharisee of the present age.

Was Saved by Almighty God During My Opposition to Him | Eastern Lightning

16 I Was Saved by Almighty God During My Opposition to Him

Shang Hui

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning ,Lord Jesus,
Was Saved by Almighty God During My Opposition to Him

I was formerly a worker of the Way of Life Church, and was often sent to various places to preach. Later, I strayed into the way of the Pharisees, the way of opposing God. It was Almighty God who awakened my heart and so I was saved.

I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation | Eastern Lightning

19 I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation

Xie Qiang

The Church of Almighty God,  Eastern Lightning,Church
I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation

I was formerly the president of a mission of the “China Gospel Fellowship” in the Pentecostal Church. Since 1997, there had been people preaching Almighty God’s work of the last days to me many times, but I always stopped them before they finished their words and said, “I may receive you when you come to preach a male Christ. But if you still preach that your God is a female, then don’t come! You say God has come, but how come I haven’t seen Him? Have you seen Him?” Every time I met the brothers and sisters who testified God’s work of the last days, I always rebuffed them with these words. Then, I went around “guarding the church” to prevent those “heretics” from disturbing our churches. I treated Almighty God, the “Eastern Lightning,” as “a cult.” And I, together with my upper leaders, collected the rumors that resisted and slandered Almighty God from various denominations and sects, and with my imaginations added, we printed them into booklets, The Sound of the Trumpet in the Church and Resist the Heresy—the Eastern Lightning, and then distributed them to all the churches in my charge.

Almighty God Has Given Me a Second Life . | Eastern Lightning

15 Almighty God Has Given Me a Second Life

                                            Xie Surong

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  Jesus
 Almighty God Has Given Me a Second Life

     For years, life has been continuing in this world through generation after generation. Everyone live a life in their respective roles, smooth or rough, poor or rich. No matter what kind of life they live, very few have found the real life. Before the age of 28, I had lived my life as most people do.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Almighty God | Eastern Lightning

7. I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Almighty God

I. Having Listened to the Rumors and Believed the Lies, I Blindly Resisted God;
For “Guarding the Church” and “Defending the Way,” I Shut Out the Lord.

Wang Haijun

The Church of Almighty God,  Eastern Lightning,Church,
 I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Almighty God

I am Wang Haijun, formerly a preacher in the “Justification by Faith Church.” Like other brothers and sisters, I believed in God for the purpose of going to heaven and gaining eternal life, and I served God for the purpose of gaining the crown of righteousness. While I was earnestly expecting the Lord to return to reward me, I actually shut the door on the Lord and became one who resisted God, because I was foolish and ignorant and believed the rumors.