
Sunday, August 27, 2017

On the Way of Tribulation, God’s Word Encouraged Me | Eastern Lightning

9 On the Way of Tribulation, God’s Word Encouraged Me

Chen Hui    Jiangsu Province

The Church of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning

I was born in an ordinary family. My father was a soldier. Influenced and nurtured by my father from childhood, I thought in my heart that soldiers should take serving their country and obeying orders as their bounden mission and dedicate themselves selflessly to the Party and the people, and I aimed to become a soldier in the future and walk along my father’s path. However, things that happened later changed my viewpoint of pursuit and way of life little by little. In 1983, I heard Jesus’ gospel. Because of the special leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, I, who had been poisoned by atheism and Red Education since childhood, was deeply moved by the Lord Jesus’ love.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

After Undergoing the Devil’s Affliction, I Knew More Clearly God’s Grace Is Precious | Eastern Lightning

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, faith in God

Xu Qiang Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

My name is Xu Qiang. I was once a project contractor. I led many people to undertake contracted projects every year and had a good income. In the eyes of my contemporaries, I had a happy family and smooth career and had a great future, so I should be the happiest man. However, while enjoying the material life, I felt an unexplainable emptiness in my heart. Especially in order to undertake contracted projects, I had to ingratiate myself with the leaders of the relevant departments all day, observing their speech and behavior and fawning and flattering them. All those had to be handled extremely well, or I couldn’t earn money.

Moreover, people of the same trade intrigued against one another and guarded and schemed against one another, which made me exhaust all mental efforts…. Thus, I felt very bitter and tired and felt as if I became a puppet and a moneymaking machine, losing my dignity and integrity completely. In 1999, I accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. The feeling of release in the church life and the simplicity and honesty of the brothers and sisters made me deeply moved. I liked very much to live the church life and even more liked to stay with the brothers and sisters, and I treasured such time very much. As I read God’s word and attended meetings constantly, I understood many truths and was greatly released in my heart. I felt very thankful that I had found the true human life and the true happiness. And my heart was full of gratitude to God. If God didn’t save me from the sea of misery of the world, I would never have hope in my life. Later, I began to preach the gospel, running joyfully and tirelessly among the people who investigated the true way, so that they could receive Almighty God’s salvation earlier.

However, in China, this atheistic country, people don’t have any democracy or human rights. Especially people who believe in God and worship God will be even more oppressed and persecuted by the government. On December 18, 2005, I was arrested by the police. From then on, my hellish life began…. After experiencing that miserable life, I truly felt that God’s word is my life and my true love. If it were not for God’s word leading me and giving me strength and faith all the time, I couldn’t possibly have lived till today. God’s grace of salvation is unforgettable to me for life.

That morning, several brothers and sisters and I were having a meeting. Suddenly, there was a violent knocking on the door. Before we could have much thought, more than ten cops had broken in. They all stared with angry eyes and bore murderous looks on their faces. That scene was just like that of arresting the most serious escaped criminals in movies. Before saying any words, they took off all our shoes for fear that we might run away, and then they pulled out our belts and bound our hands backward. They took away all our things, such as cell phones, watches, cash, and so on. The evil cops roared and ordered us to kneel in a row against the wall. If we acted slowly, they pressed us down on the floor by pushing and kicking us. After that, they ransacked boxes and chests here and there. Only a short time later, the house was turned into a complete mess. Seeing that, I asked them indignantly, “We didn’t break the law. Why do you arrest us?” Unexpectedly, an evil cop rushed over and knocked me to the floor and roared at me fiercely, “You believers in God are exactly the ones we are catching. If we don’t weed you out, we can’t even sleep soundly.” The roar of rage shocked me and made me sober, “The one the devil hates is God. How can it let us believers in God off? I’m really too blind and ignorant!” Then I prayed to God silently to keep us, so that we could stand testimony and would not betray God. After a short time, the cops who guarded us questioned me, “Who asked you to preach everywhere? Who’s the church leader?” I said, “We all preach the gospel voluntarily.” He cursed, “Nonsense! Don’t be tough-lipped, bastard. See what awaits you shortly!” Just then, the roaring abuse of a female cop came from another room, “Bring me a needle. How dare you hide yourself! …” My heart flew up into my mouth immediately. Then I realized that a young sister among us was missing. She tried to hide herself and escape the evil cops’ arrest, but she was found. Seizing the young sister, the evil cop used a steel needle to prick the flesh under her fingernails and the arches of her feet furiously and pulled off her hair strand by strand savagely. In the end, they left behind that young sister who fainted, and took us together with the possessions they plundered from us and left the scene quickly.

Around noon, the evil cops took us to the police station and then interrogated us separately. The one in charge of my interrogation was a tall and sturdy evil cop. As soon as he entered the interrogation room, he shouted at me to kneel to him. I said, “I only worship God. Only the Ruler of the heavens and the earth and all things is worthy of man’s kneeling. I’ll never kneel to you!” On hearing that, he pointed at me and roared, “I tell you, even if the king of hell comes here, he has to walk sideways! Who the fuck are you? If I don’t let you taste death several times, you won’t know ‘Prince Ma’ has three eyes. Get down on your knees!” As he said that, he kicked me down to the floor. Then he questioned me, “Come clean with me! Are you a church leader? Where are the church books kept?” I was somewhat flustered in my heart and didn’t know how to respond. I could only keep calling to God to give me wisdom, so that I could deal with the devil. After praying, I calmed down and had strength in my heart: I would rather die than sell out the brothers and sisters and betray God! So I said to him, “I know nothing about your questions. What can I say?” As soon as I finished my words, the evil cop punched my head violently and then kicked and beat me wildly. I was beaten so badly that I saw stars and felt that the sky and the earth were spinning around. My head ached unbearably as if it split and I fell headlong to the floor. Then he took the notes for preaching the gospel searched out from me, and threatened me, “Look. The evidence is in our hands. You’re still fucking tight-lipped! Speak! Are you a leader? If not, you won’t have such things!” Seeing me say nothing, he switched the tone and coaxed me, “Don’t be stubborn. Cooperate with us actively and tell all that you know, and you can leave tomorrow.” At that time, God inspired me to think of his words, “When satan is warring against God in the spiritual realm, how should you satisfy God? How should you stand the testimony for God? You should know that every time a thing comes, it is a great trial to you, and it is the time God needs you to bear a testimony. Outwardly, it seems to you that they are not big things, but when they come, you will be revealed as to whether you love God. If you love God, you can stand the testimony for God. …” (from “Only Loving God Is Truly Believing in God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words made me see clearly that it was a war in the spiritual realm. I can’t fall into satan’s scheme and I must stand testimony for God. No matter how much evidence they say they’ve had, I can’t reveal any information of the church. This is the faithfulness that I should keep and is the testimony of my practicing loving God. Through the prayer, I calmed down gradually in my heart. No matter how they tortured me, I kept silent all the time. Finally, the evil cops slammed the door and left exasperatedly.

After a short time, another male cop over thirty years old came in. He helped me up from the floor and sat me down on the chair slowly, and he gave me a cup of water. He said to me, “Brother. Drink some water. You have suffered.” I was surprised, “What’s the matter? How come there is someone calling me ‘brother’ in such a place?” Not giving me more time to think, he continued, “Brother. We should be realistic about the life and be flexible in everything. If you behave like this, they’ll beat you to death. To be candid with you, I also believed in God before. I know it’s a good thing to believe in God. But if because of believing in God, you suffer so much and even die, it’s not worthwhile! If you’re sentenced, it’ll bring shame on all your family. Your parents are still alive, aren’t they? If you’re imprisoned for several years, they’ll have passed away when you get out. What will your relatives think of you? …” As my affection to my parents was strongest, each of his words was a dagger to my heart, and the figures of my old parents appeared before my eyes. I suddenly became dark and weak within, “Right. If I’m sentenced and imprisoned, how shall my parents live? Who will take care of them? …” At the thought of that, I couldn’t help shedding tears. The evil cop immediately seized the opportunity to coax me, “So, cooperate actively with them, and you’ll be free tomorrow.” When hearing this word, I sobered up suddenly and a very clear word appeared in my mind, “Never be a Judas and betray God!” That was close! The cunning evil cop was sent by satan to entice me to betray God. At that moment, God’s words guided me, “…only faithfulness can counter the devils’ schemes.” (from “The Tenth Piece of Word” of God’s Utterance to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh) Then I said to him, “Thanks for your kindness. I appreciate it, but I know nothing about the church.” Failing to achieve his purpose, the evil cop flew into a rage and exposed his true colors. He pointed at me and cursed fiercely, “You just wait for death!” As he said that, he pulled me down from the chair and dragged me to the door by seizing my collar, and handcuffed me to a beam in the room. In the end, leaving a word, “Take your time ‘enjoying’ it,” he went away. My feet couldn’t touch the floor at the same time. When one touched the floor, the other had to be lifted. As my body swayed, the handcuffs stuck into my flesh, and it hurt sharply. Nearly an hour later, the evil cops came back after being satiated with food and drink. With a heinous grin, they asked me how I felt. At that time, because of pain, my cotton jacket and cotton pants were already soaked in sweat. When I was put down, my hands were as swollen as bread and had no sensation. That gang of evil cops were really cruel and merciless. I hated them bitterly in my heart. At the same time, my hatred toward the CCP, the evil party, rose sharply.

At past 7 p.m. that day, the evil cops forced the other four sisters and me into a police car and were going to take us to another place. All the sisters were pale, and I could see that they had also suffered cruel tortures. We encouraged each other with firm eyes. After arriving at the detention house, the evil cops only dropped the four sisters off and then continued to drive on. I asked them where they would take me. A cop said with a conspiratorial smile, “Although you said nothing, we know you’re not a small potato, so we dare not neglect you. We’ll treat you to a ‘midnight snack.’ …” I knew those evil cops wouldn’t have good intentions, so I dared not relax for a single moment in my heart. I silently kept calling to God to give me strength and keep me from betraying God. I was taken to the National Security Team, and two sturdy guys received me. They took me into the interrogation room. I saw that the torture devices were spread all over the floor, like silent hungry tigers, making my blood run cold. Then, an evil cop said to me venomously, “We heard you’re quite tough, ah? We just like to gnaw hard bones! …” Before he finished the words, two evil cops rushed at me and pulled my ears forcefully as they roared. In the dim light, I saw two ferocious and twisted faces, and my heart couldn’t help thumping. At that time, I heard one evil cop laugh wildly and say, “It’s your bad luck to meet me today. I’ll let you take a shower first….” As he said that, he seized me and stripped off all my clothes by tearing and pulling. I stood naked on the icy floor, my whole body twitching and my teeth chattering with cold. The evil cop pulled over a water pipe and directed it at me and opened the valve. In an instant, a jet of strong and icy cold water hit my body. My skin ached unbearably as if being cut by a knife, and I felt as if all my blood had congealed. After a short time, my body didn’t have any sensation. As the evil cops blasted water at me, they roared, threatening me, “If you’re sensible, tell us quickly. Otherwise, you won’t see tomorrow’s sun!” I choked back the pain and bowed my head and kept silent. An evil cop gnashed his teeth and said that he would warm me up, that is, he would give me electric shocks. At that time, I had already been tortured till I had no strength at all, feeling that death was approaching me step by step. I hurried to call to God in my heart, “God! Man is too small and can’t do anything for you. Today I’m willing to shame satan with death. May you keep my heart from staying away from you or betraying you at any time.” They forcibly pried open my mouth and stuffed a wet towel into it. The other end of the towel was connected with a wire, the other end of which was clipped on my ear. Then, they pressed the switch in their hand. In a flash, I felt that all my blood rushed toward my head, feeling as if my head would explode. I ached so much, feeling as if my eyes would burst out. Every nerve in my body was twitching violently, and I felt as if they were breaking. Seeing me overwhelmed with pain, those evil cops all laughed loudly. Only a few moments later, I fainted. Immediately following that, they sobered me up with a basin of cold water. When I woke up, the towel was still in my mouth. The evil cops asked me with a heinous grin, “How was the taste? If you want to say something, you can nod your head.” Then, I thought of God’s words, “When man gives up his life completely, nothing is difficult. No one can daunt him. Is there anything more important than ‘life’? In that case, satan cannot possibly do anything on man and has no way to do with man.” (from “The Interpretation of the Thirty-sixth Piece of Word” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words made me become more resolute in my choice. I thought, “Do as you wish. Anyway, I only have one life and the worst is to die. But don’t you expect to draw one word from my mouth.” I didn’t answer him and closed my eyes and didn’t look at him. My action irritated the evil cop and he wired me up once again. This time the electric current was more powerful than last time. I cried anxiously in my heart, “God! Save me! I can’t take it.” Just at that moment, the scene of the Lord Jesus being crucified appeared before my eyes clearly: The ferocious soldiers hammered a half-foot-long iron nail into the Lord’s palm, which pierced through his skin and his bone…. The sufferings Jesus underwent made me heartbroken. I couldn’t help crying loudly and prayed to God in my heart, “God! You’re holy. You are not of sin. But for the sake of saving mankind, you handed over yourself to the evil ones and were crucified, shedding your last drop of blood for redeeming us mankind. God! I’m an extremely corrupt man and one who should perish. Since I’ve accepted your salvation and have the fortune to experience your work, I should offer up myself for you. God! I know clearly that now you’re by my side, accompanying me in suffering. You’ve been loving me and expending for me all the time. I’m willing to dedicate my everything to satisfy you, so that you’ll no longer suffer for me and worry about me.” At that time, the two evil cops stopped shocking me. Seeing that God sympathized with my weakness, I was full of gratitude to God in my heart. Then, although they didn’t stop afflicting me, I felt no more pain. I knew that God kept me and bore the pain for me. My heart was so deeply touched by God’s love that I kept shedding tears. Later, another cop came in. He cast a glance at me and then said to the two evil cops, “Don’t beat him anymore. You see, he’s been beaten so badly but he still doesn’t tell anything. He surely knows nothing.” Then, they stopped. I knew it was out of God’s wonderful manipulation and arrangement. God didn’t permit the gang of devils to harm my life, and so he maneuvered person, matter, and thing to stop it. I truly felt God’s love.

The evil cops were defeated and stopped interrogating me. Around midnight, I was taken to the detention house. An officer took me to a cell where more than 30 prisoners were detained. When he opened the door and let me enter, I heard him say to the head of the cell with an insidious smile, “In a while, just do it quietly. Don’t make too much noise.” The head of the cell threw a glance at me and looked me up and down. He twisted his mouth and said to the officer, “Trust me!” Before I knew what was happening, the head’s face darkened and he lowered his voice to give a command, “Old rules, buddies, start!” All the prisoners sat up and glared at me fiercely, making me very frightened. The head waved his hand and those people rushed at me like ferocious wolves. They held me and stripped me naked and then lashed my body hard with the soles of flat-heeled shoes. In the end I fainted. When I woke up, it was already 6 o’clock the next morning. I saw I was put in a corner and my body was so swollen that I couldn’t put clothes on. Just like that, I lay on the big board for six whole days. I was covered with wounds. Moreover, the flesh in my mouth had been burned by the evil cops with electricity and become dead. I ached so much that I couldn’t even take a bite. The officers were afraid that I might die and bring them trouble, so they asked the prisoners to take turns feeding me some vegetable soup.

When my wounds healed a little bit, instigated by the evil cops, the prisoners continued to bully and humiliate me. They required me to recite the prison regulations every morning. If I couldn’t recite them well, they would beat me. They also asked me to do the cleaning and wash clothes for the rich prisoners. Whenever I was a little careless, they would punch and kick me. They knew I’m a believer in God, so they often said a lot of words of blaspheming God intentionally before me to provoke and humiliate me, “Is it that you believers in God don’t feel pain while being beaten and don’t feel tired after working? Is it that it doesn’t matter no matter how many sufferings you undergo? …” To torture me, they even required me to clear the commode with my hands. It was so disgusting that I felt like vomiting my guts out. They also required me to brush the floor tiles with a toothbrush and purposely threw my steamed buns in the commode. When the officer inspected sanitation in our cell, he would take off his shoes and walk round in white socks. If he found his socks stained, he would punch and kick me…. Facing the evil cops’ endless torments, I was very weak and depressed in my heart. I thought it was better to die than to live like that. When I was extremely distressed and weak, God’s words gave me faith and power to live. God says, “Maybe you all remember this word: ‘For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.’ In the past, you all heard this word, but none of you understood its true meaning. Today, you deeply know its real meaning. This word will be accomplished by God in the end time, and it will be accomplished in people in the dwelling place of the great red dragon who are cruelly persecuted by the great red dragon. Because the great red dragon is the persecutor of God and the enemy of God, people in this place all suffer humiliations and persecutions for believing in God. So, this word is accomplished in you group of people.” (from “Is God’s Work So Simple as People Imagine?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words made me realize this: Today I’m humiliated and tortured for believing in God and this is God’s exceptional uplifting and also my honor! But I’m cowardly and spineless. I lose faith in God because my flesh suffers a little, unwilling to suffer for repaying God’s love. In order to save me, God has expended so much painstaking effort and price. How can I “repay” God in this way? How can I respond to him with passivity against my conscience like this? No! I’ll never be a spineless weakling! I’ll never let God’s name be shamed because of me! So, I hurriedly prayed to God, “God! Thank you for inspiring me to understand the meaning of suffering. I’m willing to endure all sufferings for your glory. Even if I have to be imprisoned for life, I’ll satisfy you. May you be with me and inspire and guide me, so that I can bear a strong and resounding testimony for you in satan’s affliction.” After the prayer, I felt I had strength all over and had courage to face the environment of suffering.

Over ten days later, the evil cops came to interrogate me again. They threatened me that it wasn’t too late for me to cooperate with them then, and otherwise they would make my following days harder. After experiencing the brutal tortures several times, I had already seen through their devilish substance and hated them to the core. So, no matter how they coaxed, threatened, and frightened me, I was strong in faith and never wavered. Later, they came to interrogate me every half a month. Finally, failing to get any information from me, they sentenced me to two years of hard labor on the charge of “disturbing the social order and having illegal meetings.”

On February 24, 2006, I was sent to a labor camp. Because of believing in God, I was convicted as a “political offender.” The prison guards deliberately assigned me to labor in the brick works, where the work was the hardest and most tiring and dangerous. My task was to take the burned bricks out of the kiln. The temperature in the kiln was at least 300 degrees Celsius. The temperature was the lowest in the morning, but it was still at least over 100 degrees Celsius. We worked in such a great heat, but the prison guards didn’t provide us with any heat-resistant work clothes. The safety helmets we wore would melt after we stayed in the kiln house for two minutes. In order not to be burned, we had to hold our breath and go in and out quickly. Because we didn’t have any heat-resistant shoes, after entering the kiln house, we could only stand on our feet alternately. If we were a bit careless, our feet would blister. When we first worked there, we weren’t accustomed to it. We had to run out after being in it for less than five seconds. The captain arranged for the group leader to hold a PVC pipe filled with sand to lash whoever ran out. Such a pipe couldn’t break bones, but it could leave a red mark on one’s skin and cause his flesh to swell up. The prisoners called it a “cramp stick.” We dared not inhale in the kiln house, because if we did, we would feel as if drawing fire into our nostrils. After fishing out a few bricks, we had to pull the cart and run out. If the tire blew out, we would not only be punished but also be imposed on a longer term of imprisonment on the charge of “damaging the work tools and resisting reform.” Our daily task was to carry 115 carts of big bricks and 95 carts of small bricks. It was impossible for us to finish the task in such a great heat. However, the prison guards never asked why you couldn’t finish it, but asked why you resented laboring. Because I sweated too much while working in the great heat, I had an acute sodium deficiency and fainted on the ground several times. They just threw me on the kiln wall and let me cool down for a few minutes. After I woke up, they let me drink a cup of salt water and then go on working. It was the first time for me to taste what it meant to reach the limit, what it meant to suffer unspeakably, and what it meant to feel worse than death. There, no one would care whether you were alive or dead. The captain only cared whether the task of your group had been finished. If the task was finished, he said nothing. If not, he said nothing either. He just pointed at the door of the kiln house and left. The group leader would then call those who didn’t finish the task into the kiln house and beat them up. When they fell down, their body got burned by the great heat of the ground and blistered all over. Apart from that, he would also add another 20 carts of bricks to their daily task until they begged for mercy. Facing such an environment, I was very weak in my heart. Having been tormented for several days, I felt as if having made a trip to hell. I thought, “What a long term two years is!” I didn’t know how to pass the future days, fearing that even if I wouldn’t be beaten to death by the evil cops, I would be scorched to death by the great heat. The more I thought, the more I felt I had no way to go. I really couldn’t bear staying in the demon’s prison any longer. Then I thought of dying. In the days that followed, I looked for an opportunity of “getting released” every day. Finally, the opportunity came. One day, when a truck loaded with bricks started to leave, I rushed under the truck. But the wheels suddenly stopped only one foot away from me. It turned out that the truck broke down. A few prisoners dragged me out. The leading captain said that I “didn’t obey the discipline and my old nature didn’t change” and began to punish me. They put an electric baton which was sparking into my bosom. I writhed on the ground from the pain. Then, they handcuffed my hands backward to a wire pole and beat me savagely with the electric batons. After supper, they held a criticizing meeting to “remediate” my thoughts…. Endless sufferings and tortures made me feel extremely terrified, desperate, and helpless. Just when I was struggling and hovering for how to live on, a passage of God’s words arose in my mind, “No matter how God refines you, you are full of faith, do not lose faith in God, and have done what man should do. What God requires of man are these. Man’s heart can turn to him completely and can be toward him every moment. This is the overcomer. The overcomer God speaks about is one who, under the influence of satan and the siege of satan, that is, in the forces of darkness, can still stand the testimony, and can still keep his original faith and keep his faithfulness to God. In any case, you can still keep your pure heart before God and keep your true love for God. Thus you have stood the testimony before God. This is the overcomer God speaks about.” (from “You Should Hold on to Your Faithfulness to God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) Right! God will ultimately make a group of overcomers. This group of overcomers can still keep their faith and faithfulness to God and live by God’s word and finally stand testimony for God before satan in any adverse environment. However, today satan tortures and afflicts me by every possible means, just attempting to use my weakness in the flesh to strike me down and force me to betray God. I can’t become the sign of shame! God loves me with deep and earnest affection. Even when I wanted to die because of my weakness in the flesh, God still cared for and kept me in secret and didn’t let me die. No matter how weak I was, God never intended to give me up or changed his love for me, but still inspired and led me, so that I could walk out of the dense fog. I’ll never disappoint and grieve God. I thanked God for leading me to see through satan’s scheme again, so that I came back from the jaws of death. I couldn’t help singing a hymn of life experience silently, “I will offer the sweetest to God, and leave the bitterest to myself; I will firmly stand God’s testimony, and never again yield to satan. Ah! Head can be cut off and blood can be shed, but the backbone of God’s people cannot be bent; God’s charge is on my mind. I resolve to shame the old satan. Let tears shed in my heart; I’d rather endure great humiliations than cause God’s heart to be worried.” (from “I Wish to See the Day God Gains Glory” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs)

When I was obedient and willing to endure all sufferings to satisfy God, God made a way out for me. As the captain was illiterate, he asked me to write reports for him. Since then, my task of carrying bricks was reduced. Later, an elderly sister of the church came to visit me. She held my hands, saying tearfully, “Child, you have suffered. The brothers and sisters are all very worried about you and pray for you every day. You should be strong! Don’t bow your head before satan. Exert more strength for the sake of God’s uplifting. We’re all waiting for your coming back.” In that ruthless hell on earth, except for God’s words of comfort, I had never heard a warm word from others. Now when I heard the kind words of the brothers and sisters, which I hadn’t heard for a long time, I felt greatly comforted and encouraged in my heart. In a long time after that, I was encouraged by God’s love. I felt much relieved in my heart and had the energy to work. Those days went by fastest in my prison life. Especially during the last four months, every month I ranked first on the list of the people who got a reduced sentence. Before, only heads of the cells, group leaders and the prisoners on sentry duty could be given a commuted sentence every month. The prisoners who had no money or power could never have their turns, much less could a Christian convicted as a “political prisoner” by the CCP like me enjoy such treatment. So the prisoners often surrounded me and asked, “How did you make it?” At such times, I would thank God from my heart, because I knew that it was God’s great mercy to me and that it was God’s love that brought me strength.

On September 7, 2007, I was released after serving my sentence. Not long afterward, I returned to the church and lived the church life again, and joined in preaching the gospel once again. After experiencing that tribulation, I became stronger and more mature than before and I even more cherished the opportunity of performing duty. As I saw the true face of the CCP government’s resisting God and afflicting man, I felt more deeply that God’s salvation is precious. If God hadn’t been incarnated and personally worked to save man, all men living under satan’s domain would be afflicted and devoured by satan. Therefore, my mentality of performing duty was greatly different from before. I thought that it was so important to spread the gospel work and save souls, so I was willing to be faithful and spend my lifetime energies to bring more people before God, so that they could also wake up from the deceiving and fooling of the atheistic political party and receive the life supply from God and gain God’s salvation. In the two years of long prison life, satan attempted to use its despotic power to force me to betray God, but God, through that adverse environment, perfected my faith in God and my faithfulness and obedience to God, purified me of my mixtures in loving God, and made me know God’s wisdom and almightiness and deeply realize that God is salvation and love to man! I have infinite worship and praise in my heart for God!

Recommendation: The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God Eastern Lightning

The Light of Life Shining in the Devil’s Dark Den | Eastern Lightning 

18 The Light of Life Shining in the Devil’s Dark Den

Lin Ying    Shandong Province
The Church of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning 
The Light of Life Shining in the Devil’s Dark Den
     My name is Lin Ying. I’m a Christian in the Church of Almighty God. Before I believed in Almighty God, I always tried to work with my own ability for a better life. But things ran counter to my wish; I got into trouble and was frustrated everywhere. Having fully experienced life’s hardships, I felt exhausted mentally and physically and felt extremely miserable. Just when I was distressed and helpless, a sister preached Almighty God’s end-time gospel to me. I read God’s words, “When you feel tired and when you slightly feel a sense of desolation of this world, do not feel perplexed and do not weep. Almighty God, the Watcher, is ready to embrace your coming at any time.” (from “The Sighs of the Almighty” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) I couldn’t help shedding tears. The motherly words of Almighty God greatly comforted me. I felt that I, like an orphan wandering for years, returned to the bosom of my family and was no longer lonely and helpless. From then on, I thirstily read God’s word every day. Through having meetings and fellowshipping with the brothers and sisters in the Church of Almighty God, I saw that they were so kind and honest. There was no jealousy, dispute, or intrigue among them. No matter who met any difficulty, others would sincerely fellowship about the truth and help him solve it, without making bargains or seeking rewards. What they lived out was God’s love. There, I received the release and happiness that I had never had. I deeply felt that the Church of Almighty God is a holy pure land and became certain that Almighty God is the only true God who can save men from the abyss of misery. Just when I was enjoying God’s love, the CCP government arrested and persecuted me illegally, breaking my joyful and pleasant life.

God Is the Pillar of My Life | Eastern Lightning 

31 God Is the Pillar of My Life

Ke Ni    Hebei Province
The Church of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning 
God Is the Pillar of My Life

“You love me, Almighty God! It is your love that has led me until today. Your love has accompanied me through so many sufferings and hardships, and through so many dangers and temptations. It is you who lead me by the hand, caring for and keeping me. … I love you, Almighty God! It is your love that arouses me. Your love gives me enjoyment; your love gives me strength. My heart loves you forever. I don’t care about adversity or blessing, but only seek to satisfy your heart.” (from “God’s Love Is as Deep as the Sea” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs) Whenever I sing this hymn, I will be overwhelmed with all sorts of feelings and full of thanks and love for God in my heart. I’ve followed Almighty God for over ten years. Along the hard and rugged way, I deeply feel that it is really because God’s great love has cared for and kept me that I’ve walked until today.

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Persecution and Tribulation Made Me Love God More | Eastern Lightning 

5 The Persecution and Tribulation Made Me Love God More

Liu Zhen    Shandong Province
The Church of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning 
The Persecution and Tribulation Made Me Love God More

    I’m Liu Zhen, aged 78 this year. I’m an ordinary Christian in the Church of Almighty God. Thank Almighty God for choosing me, a rural old woman looked down upon by the worldly people. Since I accepted the end-time work of Almighty God, I prayed and listened to the recital of God’s word every day and had meetings with the brothers and sisters. I felt very happy in my heart and lived in the happiness I had never had. As I was old and my legs were stiff, I couldn’t go out to have meetings. So the brothers and sisters came to my house to have meetings for my sake. Whether it was cold winter or hot summer, they never missed the meeting.

The Fragrance of Love Given Off in Adversity | Eastern Lightning

4 The Fragrance of Love Given Off in Adversity

Xiaokai    Jiangxi Province

The Church of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning
The Fragrance of Love Given Off in Adversity

     I’m an ordinary country woman. Due to the feudal thought of valuing sons and belittling daughters, I, who have no son, once felt unable to lift up my head before others. In my agony, I was selected by the Lord Jesus. Two years later, I accepted Almighty God’s salvation. In Almighty God’s word, I understood many truths and got real release in my heart. However, while I was performing duty to repay God’s love, I was arrested twice by the CCP government and suffered cruel tortures from the CCP lackeys. On the verge of death, it was Almighty God’s word that led and encouraged me all the time, so that I stood testimony in satan’s affliction and thus firmly resolved to follow and love God all my life.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Regenerated in God’s Word | the Church of Almighty God

8 Regenerated in God’s Word

Wang Gang    Shandong Province
The Church of Almighty God
Regenerated in God’s Word

   I was a peasant. As my family was poor, I kept working everywhere to make money, just wanting to live a better life through my own labor. However, in real life I saw that the lawful rights and interests of a rural worker like me couldn’t be guaranteed at all. My wages were often withheld for no reason. Deceived and exploited by others again and again, I couldn’t get the payment I deserved for a year’s hard work. I felt that the world was too dark! People lived by the law of the jungle like animals and contended with and fought against each other.

The Never-quenching Life Power | The Church of Almighty God

2 The Never-quenching Life Power

Dong Mei Henan Province

       The Never-quenching Life Power

    I’m an ordinary person. In common life, like many people who thirsted for light, I had tried many ways to seek the true meaning of human life, so that my life could be meaningful, but in the end all that was in vain. Ever since I fortunately accepted Almighty God’s end-time work, my life had a wonderful change and began to become colorful. I understood that only God is the real supplier of man’s heart and life, and that only God’s word is the true meaning of human life. I was thankful that I had finally found the right way of human life. However, once in performing duty, I was illegally arrested by the CCP, and I suffered its inhuman tortures. Thus, I had a deeply ingrained life experience in my life journey….

    It was one day in December 2011. At around 7 a.m., I was checking the church belongings with the other church leader. Over ten cops suddenly broke in. An evil cop rushed to us and roared, “Freeze!” At that sight, my head buzzed. I thought, “That’s bad! The church will suffer a great loss of property.” Then, the evil cops searched us like robbing bandits and began to rummage through every room. After a short time, the whole house was turned into a complete mess. In the end, they searched out some church belongings, three bank cards, some deposit receipts, a computer, some cell phones, and so on, and confiscated them all. After that, they took the four of us to the police station.

    In the afternoon, the evil cops arrested another three sisters and took them there and locked the seven of us in a room. They didn’t allow us to speak or sleep at night. Seeing that several sisters were locked there, and thinking that the church suffered such a great loss of money, I was in a terrible stew then. I could only urgently pray to God, “O God! Encountering such an environment, I don’t know what to do. May you keep my heart quiet.” After the prayer, I thought of God’s words, “Do not be afraid. Such things happen in the church out of my permission. Stand up and speak for me. You should believe that all matters and all things are out of the permission of the throne and there is my will in them. …” (from “The Forty-first Piece of Word” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) “Do you know that all the surrounding circumstances are permitted by me and arranged by me? See this clearly. Satisfy my heart in the circumstances that I have given you.” (from “The Twenty-sixth Piece of Word” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words calmed down my panic-stricken heart. I realized that today I encountered such an environment out of God’s permission, and that it was the time God asked me to bear testimony for him. After understanding God’s will, I prayed to God, “O God! I’m willing to obey your manipulation and arrangement and stand testimony for you. But I’m small in stature. May you give me faith and strength and keep me so that I can stand firm.”

    The next morning, they interrogated us separately. The evil cop interrogating me said smugly, “I know you’re a church leader, because we’ve monitored you for five months….” Hearing his detailed description about the whole course of monitoring me, I drew in my breath, thinking, “In order to arrest us, the evil cops really made a great effort. Since they’ve known that I’m a church leader, they surely won’t let me off this time.” I immediately made a resolution before God, “I’d rather die than betray God and become a Judas.” Failing to get a result from the interrogation, they assigned their men to watch me, not allowing me to sleep.

    When they interrogated me on the third day, the head of the evil cops turned on the computer and let me look at the materials of blaspheming God. Seeing me unaffected, he began to question me about the Church’s money. I turned my head aside and gave no response to him. He was so angry that he hurled abuses and threatened me fiercely, saying, “It doesn’t matter even if you tell nothing. We can imprison you indefinitely and torture you at any time!” Late at night, the evil cops began to torture me. They pulled one of my hands backward over my shoulder and the other backward behind my waist, and stomped on my back and forcefully pulled them together and handcuffed them. I screamed loudly from the pain, feeling as if the bones and flesh of my shoulders would be torn apart. I could only half kneel with my head against the floor and dared not move at all. I thought that my screams would soften their heart a little. But out of my expectation, they instead stuffed a cup under the handcuffs on my back, making my pain more acute. I felt as if the bones of my upper body were broken, and it was so painful that I dared not breathe and cold sweat kept flowing down my face. Just when I felt unbearably painful, an evil cop seized the opportunity to say, “As long as you speak one name, we’ll release you right away.” At that time, I called to God to keep my heart. Then I thought of a hymn of life experience, “God incarnate suffers, how much more should I, a corrupt man! If I yield to the influence of darkness, how can I face God? … I’d rather undergo all kinds of sufferings to heal his broken heart. …” (from “Waiting for the Good News from God” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs) The hymn gave me strength, “Yes! The incarnated God has endured so many sufferings for saving us; how much more should I, a person most deeply corrupted by satan! If I yield to satan because of being unable to stand the pain, how can I face God again?” Thinking of that, I had strength in my heart and became strong. The evil cops tortured me for about an hour. When they unlocked my handcuffs, I felt limp all over and collapsed to the floor. They roared at me, “If you still don’t tell us, we’ll continue to handcuff you behind your back!” I took a glance at them and gave no response. I bitterly hated this gang of evil cops in my heart! Then, an evil cop came up to handcuff me behind my back. Thinking of the tearing pain just now, I prayed to God unceasingly in my heart. Unexpectedly, when the evil cop pulled my hands backward, he couldn’t pull them anyway. And I didn’t feel much pain in my hands. He was sweating tired but still failed, so he said angrily, “You have so much strength!” I knew that God was caring for me and gave me strength. Thank God!

    I had a hard time holding on till dawn. Thinking back to the scene of the evil cops torturing me, I still had a lingering fear. Additionally, the evil cops also threatened me that if I didn’t tell them, they would take me to a deep mountain forest to shoot me, and that in the future when they arrested the brothers and sisters, they would say that I had betrayed the church, thereby ruining my reputation and making the brothers and sisters hate and reject me. Thinking of all that, I felt forlorn and helpless and couldn’t help becoming timid and weak. I thought, “I’d better just die. That way, I won’t become a Judas and betray God, and I won’t be rejected by the brothers and sisters either. Moreover, I will be spared the sufferings of being physically tortured.” So when the evil cops watching me weren’t paying attention, I quickly slammed my head against the wall with all my strength. As a result, I only knocked myself dizzy, but I didn’t die. Then, in a timely manner, God’s words inspired me within, “…in the last days, you should bear testimony for God. No matter how great the sufferings, you should walk to the end. Even if you have just one breath left, you should be faithful to God and submit to God’s manipulation. This is truly loving God, and this is a strong and resounding testimony.” (from “Only After Experiencing Painful Trials Will One Know that God Is Lovely” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) “When others misunderstand you, you can pray to God, ‘God! I do not wish that others would tolerate me, nor do I wish that others would forgive me. I only wish that I could love you in my heart, feel steady in my heart, and have peace in my conscience. I do not wish that others would compliment me or think highly of me. I only pursue to satisfy you from my heart. …’” (from “Only Through Experiencing Refining Will One Have a True Love” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words dispelled the haze in my heart, “Yes! God wants those who have the will, who can bear testimony for him before satan, and who can hold on to the end and submit to his manipulation no matter what great sufferings they undergo. Moreover, God searches man’s heart and mind. If the evil cops frame me, even if the brothers and sisters really misunderstand and reject me because of not knowing the fact, I believe there is God’s good purpose and that God is testing my faith and love and I should pursue to satisfy God.” After seeing through the devil’s scheme, I suddenly felt very ashamed. I saw that my faith in God was too little. Suffering only a little, I couldn’t stand my ground and wanted to die to escape and break free from God’s manipulation. Once man stays away from God, he’ll live in darkness. The purpose of the evil cops saying threatening words was to make me betray God. If not for God’s keeping, I would have fallen into their scheme. Pondering God’s words, I was brightened in my heart. I no longer thought about dying. I would try my best to live and bear testimony for God with my practical living out to shame satan.

    The two evil cops watching me asked why I ran into the wall. I said that some cops beat me. One of them said to me smilingly, “We focus mainly on educating you. Trust me. From now on, I won’t let them beat you anymore.” Hearing his comforting words, I thought, “These two people are not bad. They have been kind to me since I was arrested until now.” So I relaxed my vigilance. Just then, God’s words came to my mind, “My people should guard against satan’s schemes all the time, and guard the gate of my house for me … lest you fall into its trap, when it is too late to regret.” (from “The Third Piece of Word” of God’s Utterance to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words reminded me in a timely manner, so that I realized that the devils were full of wiles and I should guard against them all the time. Unexpectedly, they showed their true colors very soon. One of them began to speak words of slandering God, while the other sat beside me, patting my thigh and ogling at me, and tried to draw information about the Church’s money out of me. When he saw that I dozed off at night, he felt my breasts wildly. Seeing that they showed their true face, I was indignant. Only then did I see that those so-called “people’s police” were purely some hoodlums and tyrants! They actually did such base and sordid things! So, I could only pray to God urgently, asking God to keep me from their affliction.

    In the several days that followed, the evil cops not only questioned me about the things of the church, but took turns watching me, not allowing me to sleep. Later, when the two evil cops interrogating me saw that I always kept silent, they became exasperated. One of them began to beat me fiercely, slapping both sides of my face countless times. My face turned from painful to swollen and finally numb, without any feeling. Failing to get anything from me, one night, the head of the evil cops roared at me, “You’re too tight-lipped! You test my fucking patience! I don’t believe I can’t subdue you. I’ve seen many people tougher than you. If we aren’t really harsh on you, you won’t be fucking subdued!” At his command, several evil cops began to “serve me with severe tortures.” The interrogation room at night was ghastly and horrible. I felt as if I were in hell. They ordered me to squat on the floor and moved my handcuffed hands from my knees to my feet. And then, they put a stick between the bends of my arms and the bends of my legs, so that my whole body was curled up. They lifted up both ends of the stick and put them on two desks, hanging me with my head downward and my whole body in the air. The moment I was hung up, I felt dizzy and had difficulty in breathing, feeling as if I would suffocate. As I was hung upside down in the air, my entire weight was focused on my wrists. At the beginning, to keep the teeth of the handcuffs from sticking into my wrists, I crossed my hands tightly and curled myself up, and tried hard to keep such a posture. Gradually I was exhausted. My hands slipped from my ankles to my knees, and the teeth of the handcuffs stuck deep into my flesh, making me feel a heart-piercing pain. After I was hung for about half an hour, I felt that all my blood seemed to rush to my head, and that my head and eyes gradually became swollen and painful as if they would burst. There were gashes on my wrists, and my hands were swollen like bread. I felt that I was dying, so I cried desperately, “I can’t stand it! Put me down!” An evil cop said fiercely, “No one can save you but you yourself. As long as you speak one name, we’ll release you.” In the end, seeing that I was really dying, they put me down. After giving me a dose of glucose, they continued to question me. Weak and limp, I collapsed to the floor and ignored them with my eyes tightly closed. Unexpectedly, those evil cops again hung me up. At that time, my hands no longer had the strength to cross tightly, so I could only let the teeth of the handcuffs stick deep into my wrists. The teeth tore the flesh of my wrists. At that moment, I screamed heartrendingly from the pain. I no longer had the strength to struggle, and only had a very faint breath. Time seemed to have stopped at that moment. I felt as if I was lingering on the verge of death. I thought that I might really die that time, so I wanted to pour out my heart to God before my life ended, “O God! Now when I really face death, I’m still afraid. However, even if I die tonight, I’ll still praise your righteousness. O God! In my short life journey, I thank you for selecting me from this evil world and bringing me to your family, so that instead of wandering on the wrong path, I have been living in your warm bosom. O God! I’ve enjoyed so much of your love. But at this moment, when my life is about to end, I find that I haven’t treasured your love. Many times I grieved and disappointed you. Like an ignorant child, I only knew to enjoy the mother’s love, but never thought about repaying it. When I’m losing my life, I know I should treasure it, and I regret that I’ve wasted so much precious time. At this time, what I feel most regretful is that I haven’t done anything for you and I’ve been too indebted to you. If I can get out alive, I’ll surely try my best to perform duty and make up for my indebtedness to you. At this moment, I only wish you to give me strength, so that I’ll no longer fear death and can face it strongly….” Tears rolled down my forehead drop by drop. The night was terrifyingly quiet. Only the clock ticking could be heard, as if it were recording the countdown to my life. Just then, a miraculous thing happened. I felt as if the sunshine was warming me, and gradually I no longer felt the pain from my body. God’s words resounded in my mind, “From the time you came crying into this world, you began to perform your duty, playing your role for the sake of God’s plan and God’s ordination and beginning your life journey. No matter what your background is and no matter what your journey ahead will be, in any case, no man can escape from the manipulation and arrangement of Heaven, and no man can control his own destiny, because only the One, who rules over all things, can do such a work.” (from “God Is the Source of Man’s Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) Yes! God is the source of my life, and God rules over my destiny. So I should commit myself into God’s hand and submit to God’s manipulation. Pondering God’s words, I felt so joyful and peaceful in my heart, as if lying in God’s warm bosom. Unknowingly I fell asleep. Fearing that I might die, the evil cops put me down and hastily gave me glucose and water. In that experience of my brush with death, I saw God’s wonderful deed.

    The next day, the evil cops repeatedly hung me the whole night, questioning me about the whereabouts of the Church’s money on the receipts they confiscated. I kept silent the whole time. But they were still unwilling to give up. To get the Church’s money, they used various base means to torture me. Then, God’s words resounded in my heart, “The hatred of the ages is kept in heart; the evil of all ages is borne in heart. How could this not arouse people’s hatred? Avenge God, and exterminate this enemy of God thoroughly. How dare it be rampant, and how dare it kick and run amuck frantically! Now is the time. People have long readied all their strength to consecrate all the effort and all the price to this, tearing up the ugly face of this devil, and causing those who are blinded and suffer hardships and afflictions to rise up from the miseries and rebel against this old devil!” (from “Work and Entering In (8)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words gave me great faith and strength: I’ll fight against satan to the death, and even if I have to die, I’ll stand testimony for God. Under the encouragement of God’s words, I forgot my pain unconsciously. Just like that, every time they hung me, it was God’s words that encouraged me and gave me power. So the more they hung me, the more clearly I saw their devilish substance, and the more it stirred up my will to stand testimony to satisfy God. Finally, they were all exhausted and remarked, “An ordinary person can’t stand it if hung like this for half an hour. She has been hung for such a long time but she’s still all right. She’s really tough!” Hearing those words, I was extremely excited. I thought, “With God as my rear guard, you can’t destroy me.” During the nine days and nights in the police station, they not only cruelly tortured me, but didn’t allow me to sleep. Once I closed my eyes and dozed off, they would strike the desk violently with a stick, or order me to stand up and run, or shout at me loudly, attempting to exhaust me and make me break down. Nine days later, seeing that they failed to achieve their purpose, the evil cops still didn’t give up. Then, they took me to a hotel, moved my handcuffed hands from my knees to my feet, and then put a stick between the bends of my arms and the bends of my legs, making me sit curled on the floor. In the several days that followed, they kept me sitting on the floor in such a posture. Thus the teeth of the handcuffs stuck into my flesh. My hands and wrists became dark purple and swollen, and my hips were too painful to touch, as if sitting on needles. One day, seeing that the interrogation never had any results, a head of the evil cops exasperatedly walked to me and slapped my face violently, causing two of my teeth to become loose.

    In the end, two chiefs from the Provincial Public Security Bureau came. As soon as they came in, they unlocked my handcuffs, helped me sit on the sofa, and poured me a cup of water and said hypocritically, “You’ve suffered these days. They were just acting on instructions. Please don’t take those things to heart….” Seeing those evil cops’ hypocrisy, I gnashed my teeth with hatred. Then, they tried to persuade me with the words in the Bible, showed me the false evidences on the computer, and said many words of condemning and blaspheming God. I was boiling with anger and really wanted to argue with them. But I knew doing that could only cause them to blaspheme God more frenziedly. At that moment, I truly felt God incarnate has endured so great sufferings and that God has suffered so many humiliations for saving man, and I even more saw that the devil is hateful and base. I swore in my heart, “I’ll thoroughly break with satan and be faithful to God forever!” Later, no matter how they enticed me, I just kept silent. Seeing that their persuasion was futile, the two chiefs had to leave angrily.

During the ten days and nights in the hotel, they had me handcuffed the whole time, making me squat on the floor hugging my legs. In retrospect, since I was arrested, from the police station to the hotel, in the nineteen days and nights, except for a nap I had because of the keeping of God’s love, the evil cops never allowed me to sleep. As long as I closed my eyes, they would use various means such as, striking the desk violently, kicking me hard, shouting at me loudly, and ordering me to run. Every time I was frightened, my heart trembled suddenly, and I was under great mental tension. Additionally, the evil cops tortured me constantly. Finally, I was completely worn out, and my whole body was swollen and uncomfortable. And I had double vision. I knew people in front of me were speaking, but their voice sounded like it came from the distant horizon. Moreover, my reaction became very slow. In such a situation, I actually went through it. It was completely God’s great power! Just as God’s words say, “He causes men to be born again and causes men to live tenaciously in their respective roles. By his power and by his never-quenching life force, men have lived for generation after generation, while the power of God’s life has been supporting among them consistently. … God’s life force can vanquish all power and even more surpass all power. His life is perpetual, and his power is transcendent. No created being and no hostile force can overpower his life force.” (from “Only the Last Christ Can Bestow to Man the Way of Eternal Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) I uttered my heart-felt thanks and praises to God from my heart, “O God! You rule over all things! Your deeds are immeasurable! Only you are almighty. You’re the never-quenching life force, and you’re the spring of living water of my life. In this special environment, I’ve seen your unique power and authority!” In the end, failing to get anything from me, the evil cops sent me to the detention house.

    On the way there, two cops said to me, “You’re really something! Even if in the detention house, you people are good ones. There’re various people such as drug traffickers, murderers, prostitutes there. When you get there and have a look, you’ll know it.” I asked them, “Since you know that we are good people, why do you still arrest us? Doesn’t the state proclaim freedom of belief?” They said, “The CCP cheats you by claiming that. We live off the CCP, so we have to work for it. We have no animosity against you. We arrest you just because you believe in God.” Hearing their words and recalling all that I experienced, I couldn’t help thinking of God’s words, “The freedom of religious belief, the legal rights and interests of citizens, and whatever are all the tricks to cover up its crimes!” (from “Work and Entering In (8)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) God’s words are penetrating and helped me see clearly in my experience the CCP government’s true face of deceiving the public to win credit. Outwardly it carries the banner of freedom of belief, but secretly it arrests, suppresses, and afflicts believers in God and seizes and loots the Church’s money everywhere, which thoroughly exposes its devilish substance of being guilty of the most heinous crimes.

During those days in the detention house, I was once weak and distressed. But God’s words always encouraged me, giving me faith and strength, so I understood that though satan deprived me of my physical freedom, the affliction built me up. It made me learn to rely on God in the devils’ cruel tortures, understand the true meaning of many truths, and see the preciousness of the truth, and it caused me to have a stronger will and power to pursue the truth. I was willing to obey and experience all that God arranged for me. So when I worked in the detention house, I sang hymns and silently thought about God’s love, feeling that my heart was close to God, and no longer felt that the days were miserable and unbearable.

    During that period, the evil cops interrogated me several more times. I thanked God for leading me to overcome the evil cops’ cruel tortures time after time. Later, the evil cops took out all the money on my three bank cards. Seeing that the Church’s money was taken away by the evil cops, I felt as if a knife were being twisted in my heart. I bitterly hated this group of greedy and evil devils from my heart, and even more hoped that Christ’s kingdom would descend sooner. Finally, without any evidence, they sentenced me to one year and three months of hard labor on the charge of “disturbing the social order.”

    Having experienced the CCP government’s cruel persecution, I truly experienced God’s love and salvation for me, tasted God’s almightiness, sovereignty, and wonderful deeds, saw the authority and power of God’s word, and even more had true hatred for satan. In those days of my being persecuted, it was God’s words that had been accompanying me through those unbearable days and nights. God’s words made me see through satan’s scheme and became my timely keeping; God’s words made me become strong and courageous and overcome the cruel tortures time and again; God’s words gave me faith and strength, so I had the courage to fight against satan…. Thank God! Almighty God is the truth, the way, and the life! I’ll follow Almighty God to the end!

    Recommendation: The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God Eastern Lightning