
Thursday, August 16, 2018

christian testimonies | A Youth Spent Without Regret

A Youth Spent Without Regret

Xiaowen, Chongqing

      “Love is a pure emotion, pure without a blemish. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. Love doesn’t set conditions or barriers or distance. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. If you love you don’t deceive, grumble, turn your back, look to get something in return” (“Pure Love Without Blemish” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs). This hymn of God’s word once helped me get through the pain of a long and drawn-out life in prison that lasted 7 years and 4 months. Even though the CCP government deprived me of the most beautiful years of my youth, I have obtained the most precious and real truth from Almighty God and therefore have no complaints or regrets.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

christian testimonies | The Persecution and Tribulation Made Me Love God More

The Persecution and Tribulation Made Me Love God More

Liu Zhen Shandong Province

I’m Liu Zhen, aged 78 this year. I’m an ordinary Christian in the Church of Almighty God. Thank Almighty God for choosing me, a rural old woman looked down upon by the worldly people. Since I accepted the end-time work of Almighty God, I prayed and listened to the recital of God’s word every day and had meetings with the brothers and sisters. I felt very happy in my heart and lived in the happiness I had never had. As I was old and my legs were stiff, I couldn’t go out to have meetings. So the brothers and sisters came to my house to have meetings for my sake.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

God’s Love Was With Me in the Devil’s Dark Prison


God’s Love Was With Me in the Devil’s Dark Prison

After trying everything else, the evil police came up with another plan: They found a pastor from the Three-Self Church who knew who I was to expose me. She said I believed in Almighty God and had once tried to spread the gospel to her—but she had refused. And she also attempted to get me to turn my back on God. Seeing this evil servant who had reported many brothers and sisters who spread the gospel, and hearing all the wicked words that spilled from her mouth—words that vilified, slandered, and blasphemed against God—my heart was filled with fury.

Monday, August 13, 2018

God’s Love Was With Me in the Devil’s Dark Prison

God’s Love Was With Me in the Devil’s Dark Prison

Yang Yi, Jiangsu Province

I am a Christian of the Church of Almighty God. I have been a follower of Almighty God for over ten years. During this time, one thing I’ll never forget is the awful tribulation when I was arrested by the CCP police a decade ago. Back then, despite my being tortured and trampled on by evil demons, and coming close to death several times, Almighty God used His mighty hand to guide and protect me, to bring me back to life, and take me back to safety…. Through this, I truly experienced the transcendence and greatness of the power of God’s life, and gained the precious wealth of life conferred upon me by God.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

christian testimonies | On the Way of Tribulation, God’s Word Encouraged Me

On the Way of Tribulation, God’s Word Encouraged Me

Chen Hui Jiangsu Province

      I was born in an ordinary family. My father was a soldier. Influenced and nurtured by my father from childhood, I thought in my heart that soldiers should take serving their country and obeying orders as their bounden mission and dedicate themselves selflessly to the Party and the people, and I aimed to become a soldier in the future and walk along my father’s path. However, things that happened later changed my viewpoint of pursuit and way of life little by little.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

christian testimonies | What wisdom and omnipotence of God is revealed in His using the service of the CCP government and the religious world? (2)

What wisdom and omnipotence of God is revealed in His using the service of the CCP government and the religious world? (2)

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, wise
What wisdom and omnipotence of God is revealed in His using the service of the CCP government and the religious world? (2)

The Man’s Fellowship:

     Look at how the great red dragon blasphemes and slanders God, is it not, as a foil, rendering service to Him? What results are achieved through the service rendered by this foil? For those of you who do not love the truth, it overthrows and binds you and blocks your path to the entrance of the kingdom of heaven. For those who love the truth, it allows them to be perfected. The more that the great red dragon judges, resists, discredits and blasphemes Christ, the more they will pursue the truth and the more they will dispose of their notions, ultimately becoming more compatible with Christ.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

     We are now in the last days, the prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically been fulfilled, and thousands upon thousands of pious believers hope fervently for the Lord Jesus’ return. At the same time, however, Eastern Lightning announces their testimony that the Lord Jesus has already returned in His incarnation of the last days—Almighty God—and that He has already done His work of judgment beginning with God’s family.

    The appearance of Eastern Lightning has shaken the whole religious world as well as all those who sincerely believe in God and who thirst for the truth. Through seeking and investigating the words and work of Almighty God, many people confirm that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus, and one by one they come before Almighty God. This has thrown pastors and elders of the religious world and the CCP government into panic and, in order to suppress and outlaw Eastern Lightning, the pastors and elders of the religious world and the CCP government collude together, fabricating many rumors and savagely condemning and vilifying Eastern Lightning as heresy, and doing all they can to obstruct and harass sincere believers who want to seek and investigate the appearance and work of Almighty God in the last days. In those early days, the Jewish religious world allied itself with the Roman government and the historical tragedy of the cruel oppression of the Lord Jesus was played out again. Accounts differ and opinions vary as to whether or not Eastern Lightning is the return of the Lord Jesus, and whether or not it is God’s work; some people follow in the wake of the pastors and elders of the religious world in their denial and condemnation, but there are some who believe Eastern Lightning is related to the Lord Jesus’ prophecy in the Bible that says, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27), and that it is related to the coming of the Son of man in the last days. So where exactly does Eastern Lightning come from, is it God’s work, and what kind of mysteries does it hold?

     All who understand God’s work know that His work is ever new and that it never ceases in its onward progression. Just as in the Age of Law when God worked through the Spirit and issued the laws that would guide man’s lives on earth. Then, in the Age of Grace, God was incarnated and appeared as the Son of man to do His work, healing the sick and casting out demons, performing many miraculous deeds and expressing the way of “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17), before being nailed upon the cross and completing His work to redeem all mankind. But because people don’t know God’s work, as well as having arrogant and self-important satanic natures, and all being very self-righteous, rigid and stubborn, and they cling to conceptions and imaginings, to the point where they even become sick of the truth and hate the truth, every time God performs a new work, He must needs suffer the wild blasphemy, persecution and condemnation of the religious world and the ruling powers. Those who spread and testify to God’s new work can also be labelled with all manner of charges and disparaging terms, as well as being cruelly oppressed. This fact is recorded in the New Testament: In order to save mankind from the danger of being punished for breaking laws they couldn’t keep, God was incarnated as the image of the Lord Jesus and began the work of redemption in the Age of Grace. When the Lord Jesus was performing His work in Judea, He performed many miraculous deeds, healed the sick and cast out demons, bestowed on man an abundance of grace and expressed many truths. This is sufficient to prove that the Lord Jesus was God Himself and that He was the Messiah the Israelites had so longed for. However, the Jewish chief priests, scribes and Pharisees stubbornly clung to religious conceptions and simply refused to believe that Jesus was the Messiah they had longed for for so long. On the contrary, they searched everywhere in the Bible for something they could use against Jesus, they slandered, judged and condemned the Lord Jesus’ work as heresy (see Acts 24:14) and Jesus Himself as the “ringleader of the Nazarene sect” (see Acts 24:5). They deceived and agitated the Jews to condemn the Lord Jesus, and allied themselves with the Roman government to crucify Him upon the cross. Therefore, the whole Jewish nation offended God’s disposition, and was subjected to unprecedented destruction. It can therefore be seen, that something that is condemned and resisted by the religious world and those in power is not necessarily wrong, that it is highly probable that it comes from God, and that it is God’s work. Therefore, when investigating whether or not something is the work of God, one cannot make this judgment based on whether or not the religious world and those in power acknowledge it or accept it. We can see from all the works done in the Age of Law and the Age of Grace that, to determine whether something is or is not the work of God, it mainly depends on whether what this way expresses is or is not the truth, whether or not it is something urgently needed by mankind at the present moment, and whether or not it is the work of the Holy Spirit. Only in this way can it be discerned in essence whether or not it is the work of God—this is most crucial.

     In the last days, mankind is becoming more and more deeply corrupted. Man is entirely under the control of their satanic, corrupt natures, often committing sins involuntarily, all living a life where they sin during the day and then confess in the evening, and living in unbearable pain. Mankind is growing farther and farther away from God, and their hope for attaining salvation is becoming more and more vague. In order to save man from this situation of sinning and confessing, confessing and sinning, and so they can thoroughly cast off their satanic, corrupt dispositions and their sinful constraints and fetters and be cleansed and attain God’s salvation, God has once again become flesh to express the truth and judge corrupt mankind, and He performs a new work that utterly purifies and saves mankind. This time, God was incarnated in the East of the world—in China—appearing and performing His work. He has brought the Age of Grace to a close and begun the Age of Kingdom, He has brought higher, more abundant truths than ever before, He has uncovered the mysteries of all the works of God since the creation of the world and has bestowed on man all the truths that will cleanse and save them. Those who accept the work of Almighty God in the last days understand many truths from the words expressed by Almighty God, they see clearly that Almighty God who expresses the truth in the last days is truly the returned Lord Jesus, they have come to have clear knowledge of their own corrupt natures and the root cause of their sins, they have found the path to resolve their satanic and corrupt dispositions, and their hearts are bright and clear. By experiencing the judgment, chastisement, trials and refinement of God’s words, their life dispositions are constantly changing, they see the hope for salvation, and they have true knowledge of God’s good and holy essence and His righteous and inviolable disposition. They have a more practical understanding and knowledge of what God has and is, such as God’s almightiness, wisdom and authority, and they can all perceive that their belief in God is no longer empty or vague, but instead becomes more and more real. They truly experience God as so dear and loving, thus giving rise to a God-fearing heart, they come to have true obedience and consideration for God, and they all clearly appreciate that Almighty God’s work of judgment in the last days can indeed purify and save man. In the last days, the time of Almighty God’s work of judgment and purification is short, the speed is fast, like a bolt of lightning. In over two short decades, God’s kingdom gospel has spread throughout the Chinese mainland and has made a group of overcomers, and now the gospel is rapidly expanding in all directions to all nations of the world. This precisely fulfills the Lord Jesus’ prophecy: “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). Nevertheless, the pastors and elders of the religious world stubbornly cling to religious conceptions and, faced with God’s new work that is at odds with man’s conceptions, not only do they not seek or investigate it, they brandish the Bible and look for mistakes which they can use against God, recklessly judging and condemning Almighty God’s work in the last days, and vilifying The Church of Almighty God as the “Eastern Lightning sect” and as heresy. Their actions and deeds are exactly the same as those of the Jewish chief priests, scribes and Pharisees when they condemned the Lord Jesus. That they can defy and attack God’s work in the last days so, and obstruct people from looking into and following God’s footsteps and obeying God’s work, does that not truly make them the modern–day Pharisees who defied and condemned Christ? Is the essence of their actions not one that hates the truth and blasphemes against the Holy Spirit? The savage condemnation by the leaders of the religious world of Almighty God’s appearance and work also totally fulfills the Lord Jesus’ words when He prophesied His return: “For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation” (Luke 17:24-25).

     If Almighty God did not speak His word and unveil the mysteries, then we would never truly understand what is meant by the prophecy “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west.” Almighty God says: “When all people take heed, when all things are renewed and revived, when every person submits to God without qualms, and is willing to shoulder the heavy responsibility of God’s burden—this is when the eastern lightning issues forth, illuminating all from the East to the West, terrifying all of earth with the arrival of this light; and at this moment, God once again begins His new life. … Which is to say, in the world’s East, from when testimony to God Himself begins, to when He begins to work, to when divinity begins to wield sovereign power across the earth—this is the glowing shaft of the eastern lightning, which has ever shone out to the whole universe. When the countries on earth become the kingdom of Christ is when the whole universe is illuminated. Now is the time when the eastern lightning issues forth: God incarnate begins to work, and, furthermore, speaks directly in divinity. It can be said that when God begins to speak on earth is when the eastern lightning comes forth. More precisely, when living water flows from the throne—when the utterances from the throne begin—is precisely when the utterances of the seven Spirits formally begin” (“Interpretation of the Twelfth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “Throughout the universe I am doing My work, and in the East, thunderous crashes issue forth endlessly, shaking all denominations and sects. It is My voice that has led all men into the present. I shall cause all men to be conquered by My voice, to fall into this stream, and submit before Me, for I have long since reclaimed My glory from all the earth and issued it forth anew in the East. Who does not long to see My glory? Who does not anxiously await My return? Who does not thirst for My reappearance? Who does not pine for My loveliness? Who would not come to the light? Who would not look upon the richness of Canaan? Who does not long for the return of the Redeemer? Who does not adore the Great Almighty? My voice shall spread throughout the earth; I wish, facing My chosen people, to speak more words to them. Like the mighty thunders that shake the mountains and rivers, I speak My words to the whole universe and to mankind. Hence the words in My mouth have become man’s treasure, and all men cherish My words. The lightning flashes from the East all the way to the West. My words are such that man is loath to give them up and at the same time finds them unfathomable, but rejoices in them all the more. Like a newborn infant, all men are glad and joyful, celebrating My coming. By means of My voice, I shall bring all men before Me. Thenceforth, I shall formally enter into the race of men so that they will come to worship Me. With the glory that I radiate and the words in My mouth, I shall make it such that all men come before Me and see that the lightning flashes from the East…. For I have long since been resurrected, and have departed from mankind’s midst, and then reappeared with glory among men. I am He who was worshiped countless ages before now, and I am also the infant forsaken by the Israelites countless ages before now. Moreover, I am the all-glorious Almighty God of the present age!” (“The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Spread Throughout the Universe” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). From the words of Almighty God we can see that God’s work and word of the last days are the lightning that shines forth from the East. The “lightning” is the great light, meaning the word of God, God’s way of judgment and chastisement in the last days. The phrase “comes out of the east” means coming from China, and “shines even to the west” means arriving in the West. Finally, “so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” refers to God becoming flesh and first revealing Himself and starting His work in China in the East. There He makes a group of people who truly know God, and they are the overcomers as prophesied in the Book of Revelation. Then through these people, the gospel of the last days will spread to the West, so that all may receive God’s salvation of the last days. This has now been achieved and is a fact that can be seen by everyone! The lightning of the East (that is, God’s work of judgment during the last days in China) can allow us to receive all the love and salvation that God bestows upon man, can allow us to know the true face of God, and gives rise in us true reverence and worship of God. Just like a bolt of lightning, God’s word gives man light and hope. All those who accept the lightning of the East—God’s work of the last days—they can all bear witness to this.

    Now, reading this, I believe you all have a clear answer to the question of what the origin of Eastern Lightning is. God is the Creator of the heavens and earth and all things. Because man was corrupted by Satan, God started His work of saving man. God wishes to have all the people in the universe see His deeds, that all faiths will become one, worshiping the Creator. Then He will let all those who truly seek God’s appearance and follow His footsteps achieve purity and attain salvation. He will take these people who are after God’s heart into the kingdom to rest with Him. So, each and every of our brothers and sisters who truly believe in God and eagerly await the Lord Jesus’ return should set aside our religious notions and study the true way. Do not heed rumors, blindly opposing the true way, as it will end in the loss of God’s salvation in the last days. We must keep apace of the steps of God’s work, following God’s footsteps closely. This is the only way we can obtain His salvation in the end and be brought by God into His kingdom.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

christian testimoniesl | Realizing I’ve Been Walking the Path of the Pharisees

Realizing I’ve Been Walking the Path of the Pharisees

Wuxin Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province

Something we have always discussed in previous communions is the paths walked by Peter and Paul. It is said that Peter paid attention to knowing himself and God, and was someone God approved, while Paul only paid attention to his work, reputation and status, and was someone God despised. I have always been afraid of walking Paul’s path, which is why I normally often read God’s words about Peter’s experiences to see how he came to know God.