
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Only Almighty God Has True Love | Eastern Lightning 

25 Only Almighty God Has True Love

Gui Yan

Only Almighty God Has True LoveLangfang City, Hebei Province

     I was once a co-worker in the Praise Church. I remember that when I had just believed in the Lord, a preacher said, “Our generation is the most blessed and can be raptured alive to meet the Lord in the air. The Lord is right at the door now….” Since then, I had been expecting the day of the Lord’s coming. I made a resolution before the Lord that I would wait for Him until His coming. Year after year went by, but the Lord had yet to come. Gradually, our heart grew ever more distant from God, and we were all in a slack, dozy, or lethargic condition in our spirit. At that time, I heard someone spread the news that “God has become flesh in China.” Just when I wanted to see whether it was true, our leader said, “It is a heresy, a cult. If you accept it, you will not have good days. Upon hearing his words, I thought: I will not allow the heresy to take me away. I must stand witness to the Lord.

How I Fell Down Before Almighty God | Eastern Lightning 

27 How I Fell Down Before Almighty God

Wang Yu’e

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  Church
How I Fell Down Before Almighty God

       My name is Wang Yu’e. I live in Yantai City, Shandong Province. Speaking of how I disobeyed and resisted Almighty God at one time, I shed remorseful tears. I believed in God but did not know God and looked up to men and listened to men, so for years I resisted God’s work of the last days and blasphemed Almighty God, seriously offending God’s disposition and committing a heinous sin. Yet, God’s love is wide and long and high and deep. God did not treat me according to my sin but moved me with His selfless love, so that I was fortunate to come before God and live under the illumination of God’s words, know God’s righteous disposition, and step onto the right way of human life gradually.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Seek the True Way | Gospel Movie "From the Throne Flows the Water of Life" | Eastern Lightning 

Seek the True Way | Gospel Movie "From the Throne Flows the Water of Life"

    Tao Wei was formally a preacher of a house church. The church was faced with the deteriorating famine. Her spirit was dry and dark. She felt perplexed and confused: The word of the Lord is the living water of life which can nourish our life and provide our needs. However, why are we human beings not able to feel the work of the Holy Spirit when reading the word of the Lord? Why does the Lord not work in the religious world? Has His work moved? Has He appeared and pursued His work in another place? … Tao Wei was eager to find out the answers, and yearned to receive the supply of the living water of life. She sought the appearance and work of God with brothers and sisters. They finally found the Church of Almighty God, and had fellowships and debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God. … Could they find the source of the living water of life in the Church of Almighty God? Were they able to receive the water of life flowing from the throne? …
Recommendation:  About the Church of Almighty God       Eastern Lightning 

Only Almighty God’s Word Can Save Me | Eastern Lightning 

 Only Almighty God’s Word Can Save Me

Xiao Lian

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  God’s Words
 Only Almighty God’s Word Can Save MeXuancheng City, Anhui Province

    Since I believed in Jesus, I had often read the Bible and memorized its verses, and the Bible had become my faithful companion. I held the view that God could only be found in the Bible, God would never work beyond the Bible, and whoever departed from the Bible was not a believer in God. So, for fifteen years, I took the Bible as the treasure, and I even put it at the head of my bed when I slept at night, which in my view meant that God would be with me. However, I had never expected that when God’s work of the last days came upon me, I resisted and condemned it with the Bible for six years, and actually became a Pharisee of the present age.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Arrogance and Conceit Has Become a Stumbling Block to My Seeking the Truth | Eastern Lightning 

Arrogance and Conceit Has Become a Stumbling Block to My Seeking the Truth

Zhang Xiaobo

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning Hymn

I was formerly a dedicated team co-worker of the Wilderness Church in Qing’an County, Heilongjiang Province. In 1994, I believed in the Lord through grace. Inspired by the Lord’s love, I pursued very hard, and several months later, I began to preach. Only one year later, I began to formally lead the brothers’ meeting and the youth meeting. From then on, I studied the Bible even harder, and I gave up my prosperous business to dedicate and expend myself for the Lord with all my heart and strength. As time went by, all these became my capital for pride. I became more and more arrogant and self-contained, smugly believing that I was the one with whom God is most pleased.

I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation | Eastern Lightning 

24 I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation

Zhi Yong

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  Church
I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation

     I was formerly a senior co-worker of the Three Grades of Servants Church. In 1995, I gave up my study and left home and stepped onto the way of serving the Lord. In the Three Grades of Servants Church, there was a requirement for every co-worker: Since you have left home, you must not go back or write to or call your family. At that time, there was only one thought in my mind: The severer the requirements are and the more sufferings one has to endure, the more it proves that it is the true way. Only the Three Grades of Servants Church is the true way, and the others are false ones. If one leaves the Three Grades of Servants Church, he cannot be saved. So, I was resolved to serve God all my life and follow the “servant” appointed by God to the end.

It Is Almighty God Who Saved Me | Eastern Lightning 

23 It Is Almighty God Who Saved Me

Li Tianhong

The Church of Almighty God,  Eastern Lightning, God’s Words
It Is Almighty God Who Saved Me 

  I believe that every brother and sister in the Lord is expecting the Lord’s coming and is expecting the Lord to take us to heaven and into the glorious and beautiful home soon. Like you all, I also expected that all along. I remember that as early as March 1999, I had heard that there were a group of people of “the Eastern Lightning” preaching that the Lord had already returned, yet our leader said that that band of people were wrong and were cultists and antichrists…. He did not allow us to contact them lest we be deceived. So I, as an instructor of the Praise Church, actively cooperated with the leader and spread his words wherever I went. Moreover, I kept myself on full alert, always afraid that the brothers and sisters would be deceived by them.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" (8) - The Effects God’s Work Achieves | Eastern Lightning 

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  Church
Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" (8) - The Effects God’s Work Achieves

Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" (8) - The Effects God’s Work Achieves

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has done the uniting work, and each and every true believer who awaits God's appearance has been returning to the throne of Almighty God. Have you been raptured before God's throne?