
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"The City Will be Overthrown" (2) - Why Has Woe Befallen the Hypocritical Pharisees? | Eastern Lightning 

"The City Will be Overthrown" (2) - Why Has Woe Befallen the Hypocritical Pharisees?

Introduction It is recorded in the Bible that the Lord Jesus condemned the Pharisees with the seven woes. Nowadays, the path walked by the pastors and elders of the religious world is that of the Pharisees and they similarly suffer God's detestation and rejection. So why did the Lord Jesus condemn and curse the Pharisees? It was primarily because they had a hypocritical essence that defied God, because they only paid attention to performing religious rituals and keeping rules, they only explained the rules and doctrines in the Bible and did not put God's words into practice or follow God's commandments whatsoever, and they even discarded God's commandments. Everything they did completely ran counter to God's will and requirements. This was the hypocritical essence of the Pharisees and it was the primary reason for the Lord Jesus hating and cursing them.

Recommendation: The brief introduction of the Church of Almighty God , Eastern Lightning

Monday, October 30, 2017

How a Disobedient Son Changed | Eastern Lightning 

How a Disobedient Son Changed

Gao Feng

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Pray
How a Disobedient Son Changed

I had been a co-worker of the Justification by Faith Church. The thought that I had served God for many years and was versed in the Bible always made me feel that I was something. So, I often made judgments on God’s work like “God cannot work in this way” or “God cannot work in that way.” As a result, when God’s new work came upon me, I condemned and blasphemed it blindly without seeking or investigation. I even sealed off the churches in many places, and said to the brothers and sisters, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a heresy, a cult. Whoever preaches about the work of the last days is a deceiver. You mustn’t receive any stranger in future…” Whenever I remember my previous resistance against God, I am filled with remorse and hatred for myself!

Yesterday I Resisted Almighty God in Corruption; Today I Am Willing to Sacrifice My Life for Him | Eastern Lightning

 Yesterday I Resisted Almighty God in Corruption; Today I Am Willing to Sacrifice My Life for Him

Kang Quanxi

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, get together
Yesterday I Resisted Almighty God in Corruption; Today I Am Willing to Sacrifice My Life for Him

I was born into a Christian family. Under the influence of my family, I began to read the Bible and practice living a godly life from childhood. As I grew older, I began to assiduously study the background of the Bible and the church history, and I could hardly tear myself away from the messages of Brother Nee and Brother Lee. Later, I became a leader and a national and international co-worker of the Local Church in Inner Mongolia. Since childhood, by God’s grace I had enjoyed God’s numerous blessings and experienced God’s salvation several times. But when God, who endured great humiliations and sufferings, was incarnated in this filthy and corrupt place again to do the work of salvation, I rejected, opposed, attacked, slandered, and even blasphemed Him. Whenever I think of these, I’m bitterly regretful and deeply feel that I’m unpardonably wicked and deserve more than death.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Discover the Mysteries of the Bible | Gospel Movie "Break the Spell" | Eastern Lightning

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Gospel
Discover the Mysteries of the Bible | Gospel Movie "Break the Spell"

Discover the Mysteries of the Bible | Gospel Movie "Break the Spell"


Fu Jinhua was an elder of a house church in China. Like many other Christians, she enthusiastically dedicated herself to the Lord, and toiled hard in her labor for Him. She was particularly self-confident, and thought herself to be someone who truly loved the Lord. Having followed the Lord for many years, she wholeheartedly believed that the Bible was inspired by God, and that the words in the Bible were all God's words. Therefore, in her mind, she equated believing in the Lord with believing in the Bible.

It Is Almighty God Who Has Saved Me | Eastern Lightning

It Is Almighty God Who Has Saved Me

Wu Xiangtao

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Pray
It Is Almighty God Who Has Saved Me

My name is Wu Xiangtao, and I was formerly in the Third Redemption sect (whose founder is Ji Sanbao). Because my stomach trouble was healed after I believed in God, I thanked “God,” Ji Sanbao, in my heart and resolved to repay the love of “God.” Over those four years, I had worked for “God” wholeheartedly regardless of others’ rumors and gossips, and I became the leader of two hundred and fifty people.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

When Resisting, I Acted Defiantly; After Being Shamed, I Was Heartbroken with Remorse | Eastern Lightning

When Resisting, I Acted Defiantly; After Being Shamed, I Was Heartbroken with Remorse

Ma Jihao

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Pray
When Resisting, I Acted Defiantly; After Being Shamed, I Was Heartbroken with Remorse 

I was once a preacher in the Liberal Group (the Wilderness sect). In February 1997, I believed in the Lord because of illness, and the Lord healed me. As I received the Lord’s great grace and saw many signs and wonders, I was especially zealous in my pursuit of the Lord. So, I became one of the key persons to be developed in the leader’s eyes.

I Was an Arch-criminal Who Hindered the “Lambs” from Hearing God’s Voice | Eastern Lightning

I Was an Arch-criminal Who Hindered the “Lambs” from Hearing God’s Voice

Qu Jie

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, get together
I Was an Arch-criminal Who Hindered the “Lambs” from Hearing God’s Voice    

I was once a preacher in the Three Grades of Servants Church. At the end of 1996, after the Three Grades of Servants Church collapsed, I joined the Justification by Faith Church and was selected the elder. In March 1999, I accepted the work of the last days of Almighty God. It was the words of Almighty God that opened the door of my heart, melted my hardened heart, and awakened my spirit in deep sleep so that I knew that I was an evil servant and an arch-criminal who hindered the lambs from hearing God’s voice.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Discover the Mysteries of the Bible | Gospel Movie "Break the Spell" | Eastern Lightning

Discover the Mysteries of the Bible | Gospel Movie "Break the Spell"

      Fu Jinhua was an elder of a house church in China. Like many other Christians, she enthusiastically dedicated herself to the Lord, and toiled hard in her labor for Him. She was particularly self-confident, and thought herself to be someone who truly loved the Lord. Having followed the Lord for many years, she wholeheartedly believed that the Bible was inspired by God, and that the words in the Bible were all God's words. Therefore, in her mind, she equated believing in the Lord with believing in the Bible. She thought that those who departed from the Bible could not be called followers of the Lord. She also believed that she needed only to adhere to the Bible to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord descends with the clouds.

Without Almighty God, I Would Not Be Alive Today | Eastern Lightning 

 Without Almighty God, I Would Not Be Alive Today

Zhang Xuelou

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Jesus
Without Almighty God, I Would Not Be Alive Today

I was formerly a church leader in the Pentecostal Church and also a person who disobeyed and resisted Almighty God. As I had no discernment and firmly believed the rumors and the elder’s adverse words, and considered the “Eastern Lightning” a “heresy,” a “cult,” I resisted and blasphemed it desperately. It was not until I received God’s punishment and was confined to bed with serious illness that I was awakened. If God had not disciplined me so severely, I would still have been fooled and blinded by the rumors and have long died somewhere. It was the truth expressed by Almighty God in the last days that opened my spiritual eyes and aroused my heart of deep sleep, so that I prostrated myself in the light of God.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How I Fell Down Before Almighty God | Eastern Lightning 

How I Fell Down Before Almighty God

Fu Xuemin

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Jesus
How I Fell Down Before Almighty God 

I was formerly an area leader of the Joseph Church. In 1998, at a co-worker meeting, a senior area leader warned me in particular, “Brother Fu, the situations of the churches in your area are rather messy, so you have to work harder. Now the preachers of Almighty God are very aggressive and grow very fast in number. And their so-called little scroll is quite deceitful. You must guard the flock properly and not let any of them be taken captive. If you neglect your duty, you will have no crown.” From then on, I began to wantonly close all the churches in my area to outsiders. I said to the brothers and sisters, “Those who believe in Almighty God have departed from the Bible. Any belief apart from the Bible is heresy or cult. So, all of you, never come into contact with the believers in Almighty God, much less receive them. They are as dangerous as poisonous hooks. Once you contact them, you will become swollen and sore all over, and no doctor can cure you. If they read you their so-called little scroll, shut your ears to them. Once you listen to them, you will be bewitched, unable to escape no matter how you try….” In this way, I regarded the believers in Almighty God as enemies, did my utmost to resist Almighty God’s new work, and bound the brothers and sisters tightly in my hands.

Is the Bible the Lord, or Is God? "Who Is My Lord" (Gospel Movie) | Eastern Lightning 

Is the Bible the Lord, or Is God? "Who Is My Lord" (Gospel Movie)

Introduction :
Liu Zhizhong is a pastor at a local house church in China. He's been a believer for over 30 years, and has constantly maintained that "The Holy Bible is inspired by God," "The Holy Bible represents God, believing in God is believing in the Bible, believing in the Bible is believing in God." In his heart, the Bible is paramount. Due to his adoration for and blind faith in the Bible, he has never studied or looked to Almighty God's work of the last days. Until one day, when he blocked believers from reading the words of Almighty God online, he had a chance encounter with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God. After undergoing intense debates about the truth, was he finally able to see the relationship between the Holy Bible and God clearly? Was he able to move away from the Bible to understand that Christ is the truth, the way, and the life? Will he be raptured before God? Minimize

 Recommendation:   Eastern Lightning 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Gospel Movie clip "Song of Victory" (6) - The Path That Leads to Purification and Salvation | Eastern Lightning 

Gospel Movie clip "Song of Victory" (6) - The Path That Leads to Purification and Salvation

How does God's work of judgment in the last days purify and save man? How do we actually undergo God's judgment and chastisement so that we can attain the truth, the life, and become worthy of salvation and enter the kingdom of heaven? This video will tell you the answers, and point you towards the path to entering the kingdom of heaven.

Gospel Movie "Awakening" (2) - Discern Salvation From Full Salvation | Eastern Lightning 

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Pray
Gospel Movie "Awakening" (2) - Discern Salvation From Full Salvation

Gospel Movie "Awakening" (2) - Discern Salvation From Full Salvation

What is being saved? What is being fully saved? Do you know the difference between them? This film clip will lead you to explore this question.

Fame, Position, and Money Smothered My Conscience | Eastern Lightning

Fame, Position, and Money Smothered My Conscience

Liu Shaohua

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning
Fame, Position, and Money Smothered My Conscience 

In the winter of 1993, my mother died. This misfortune deprived me of the opportunity to continue my education. Lost and sad, I went to join a Christian meeting near my campus and became a believer in Jesus. There, I tasted the care and love I had never tasted before and found the direction of my life. So, I began to read the Bible and attend meetings in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Due to my zealous pursuit, I was soon selected as a leader and later became a full-time paid worker. From then on, I began to run around preaching the gospel and shepherding and sustaining the churches along with several senior workers. And we joined in union with all the other Seventh-day Adventist churches in China. And I became a co-worker in the Union of the Seventh-day Adventists who was in charge of the work in the three northeast provinces. Having gained fame, position, and money, I was filled with a sense of achievement, and I resolved to consecrate myself to the Lord and was ready to spread my wings on the spiritual path.

How I Accepted Almighty God | Eastern Lightning

How I Accepted Almighty God

Li Xiushuang

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Jesus
How I Accepted Almighty God

My name is Li Xiushuang, and I was formerly a preaching co-worker of the Three-Self sect. Whenever I recall the days of my resisting and rejecting Almighty God’s work of the last days, my regret cannot find vent in words. It was God’s chastisement and discipline that saved me, so that I received the great salvation and saw God’s real and true love for me.

Monday, October 23, 2017

New Heaven and New Earth | Musical "Gospel Choir 13th Performance" | Eastern Lightning 

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Hymn
New Heaven and New Earth | Musical "Gospel Choir 13th Performance" 

New Heaven and New Earth | Musical "Gospel Choir 13th Performance"

Almighty God has revealed the mystery of the six-thousand-year management plan to man. Focus on God's work in the last days and the fate of mankind; focus on Chinese Gospel Choir 13th Performance of the Church of Almighty God.

How I Accepted Almighty God | Eastern Lightning

How I Accepted Almighty God

Zhao Yang

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,get together
How I Accepted Almighty God

In 1995, I was called in the Lord. Later, I was appointed as a deacon in the TrueJesus Church and was responsible for preaching and teaching hymns.

How I Fell Down Before Almighty God | Eastern Lightning 

How I Fell Down Before Almighty God

Fu Xuemin

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Hymn
How I Fell Down Before Almighty God
I was formerly an area leader of the Joseph Church. In 1998, at a co-worker meeting, a senior area leader warned me in particular, “Brother Fu, the situations of the churches in your area are rather messy, so you have to work harder. Now the preachers of Almighty God are very aggressive and grow very fast in number. And their so-called little scroll is quite deceitful. You must guard the flock properly and not let any of them be taken captive. If you neglect your duty, you will have no crown.” From then on, I began to wantonly close all the churches in my area to outsiders. I said to the brothers and sisters, “Those who believe in Almighty God have departed from the Bible. Any belief apart from the Bible is heresy or cult. So, all of you, never come into contact with the believers in Almighty God, much less receive them. They are as dangerous as poisonous hooks. Once you contact them, you will become swollen and sore all over, and no doctor can cure you. If they read you their so-called little scroll, shut your ears to them. Once you listen to them, you will be bewitched, unable to escape no matter how you try….” In this way, I regarded the believers in Almighty God as enemies, did my utmost to resist Almighty God’s new work, and bound the brothers and sisters tightly in my hands.

The Word of the Almighty God Conquered Me | Eastern Lightning

The Word of the Almighty God Conquered Me

Tang Jiaqi

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Hymn
The Word of the Almighty God Conquered Me

In 1992, I believed in Jesus because my father got cancer. Through prayer, the Lord not only healed my father but also healed my heart disease. Three years after I turned to the Lord, I turned from the Three-Self sect to a house church and became a leader. Then, I pursued more actively, and my faith became greater and greater. The number in the house church I was in grew from several to over two hundred. The church was greatly revived.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

I Prostrated Myself Before Almighty God | Eastern Lightning 

I Prostrated Myself Before Almighty God

Li Fei

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Pray
I Prostrated Myself Before Almighty God

  I was formerly a deacon of the Church of the True Jesus’ Bride. In my years of believing in God, I always considered myself as a true lover of God and a good soldier of Christ because I had offered up everything for the sake of “serving God only.” So I thought that one day I would surely ascend to the kingdom of heaven with Jesus on the same cloud. But when “Jesus” truly came to receive me, I became His enemy…

Saturday, October 21, 2017

For those who have believed in the Lord Jesus for many years and have fervently expended themselves and worked tirelessly, they have suffered a lot for the Lord. Could it be that by not accepting Almighty God’s work in the last days they would be denied salvation and entry into the kingdom of heaven? | Eastern Lightning 

14. For those who have believed in the Lord Jesus for many years and have fervently expended themselves and worked tirelessly, they have suffered a lot for the Lord. Could it be that by not accepting Almighty God’s work in the last days they would be denied salvation and entry into the kingdom of heaven?

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  God’s Words
For those who have believed in the Lord Jesus for many years and have fervently expended themselves and worked tirelessly, they have suffered a lot for the Lord. Could it be that by not accepting Almighty God’s work in the last days they would be denied salvation and entry into the kingdom of heaven?

Bible Reference:
“Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity” (Mat 7:21-23).

How did the Bible take shape? What type of book is the Bible exactly? | Eastern Lightning

How did the Bible take shape? What type of book is the Bible exactly?

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  God’s Words
How did the Bible take shape? What type of book is the Bible exactly?
The answer from God’s word:
The things recorded in the Old Testament are Jehovah’s work in Israel, and that which is recorded in the New Testament is the work of Jesus during the Age of Grace; they document the work done by God in two different ages. The Old Testament documents the work of God during the Age of Law, and thus the Old Testament is a historical book, while the New Testament is the product of the work of the Age of Grace. When the new work began, these books became out of date—and thus, the New Testament is also a historical book. Of course, the New Testament is not as systematic as the Old Testament, nor does it record as many things.

Know the Incarnate God | Korean Choir “The Eastern Light Hymns Concert Episode 12” | Eastern Lightning

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  God’s Words
Know the Incarnate God | Korean Choir “The Eastern Light Hymns Concert Episode 12”

Know the Incarnate God | Korean Choir “The Eastern Light Hymns Concert Episode 12”

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Chastisement and Judgment of Almighty God Awakened Me | Eastern Lightning

 The Chastisement and Judgment of Almighty God Awakened Me

Liang Ping

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  gospel
The Chastisement and Judgment of Almighty God Awakened Me

     “When the waters swallow men whole, God saves them from the stagnant waters…. When men disobey God, God causes them to know Him in their disobedience. … How many times have people seen God’s hands and seen God’s kind countenance and smiling face; and how many times have they seen God’s majesty, seen God’s, God’s wrath. Though humanity has never known God, God does not seize upon their weakness to ‘make unnecessary trouble.’

Thursday, October 19, 2017

I Nearly Became the False Christ’s Funeral Gift | Eastern Lightning

 I Nearly Became the False Christ’s Funeral Gift

Zou Honglan

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  God’s Words
I Nearly Became the False Christ’s Funeral Gift

     I was formerly a leader of the “Hua Xuehe sect.” I had held such a belief: The Trinity (that is, the holy father Hua Xuehe, the holy son Guo XX, and the holy spirit Bi XX) are the true God, our belief is different from others’, only the “triune” God we believe in is to fulfill the whole Bible, and all the other denominations and sects will stream to our church in the future. Those who believe in our way all have the “moving” (the twitching of the flesh), which is the foreseeing that money can’t buy. When you need help and pray for this moving, it will answer you. How marvelous!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Lord Jesus is a merciful and loving God. As long as we uphold the name of the Lord Jesus and keep His way, we believe that when He returns, He won’t abandon us, and we will be directly raptured into the kingdom of heaven. | Eastern Lightning 

17. The Lord Jesus is a merciful and loving God. As long as we uphold the name of the Lord Jesus and keep His way, we believe that when He returns, He won’t abandon us, and we will be directly raptured into the kingdom of heaven.

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  Jesus  God’s Words

Bible Reference:
“Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity” (Mat 7:21-23).

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Hearing God's Voice | Gospel Movie "A Late Answer" | Eastern Lightning 

 Hearing God's Voice | Gospel Movie "A Late Answer"

Tang Jie served the Lord zealously for nearly forty years and expected the return of the Lord Jesus eagerly all the time. Having given up her family and her career, she established many house meeting places. As the work of the Holy Spirit shifted, the church became desolate gradually. She tried every possible way to revive it, but in vain. During this process, God’s gospel of the last days came upon her church. To “defend the Lord’s way,” she wrote a pamphlet to fabricate rumors against, slander, and attack Almighty God’s work of the last days, and sealed her church to hinder the believers from listening to the messages. However, increasingly more believers returned to Almighty God. At the end of her tether, Tang Jie fell into misery, confusion, and helplessness….

How I Accepted Almighty God | Eastern Lightning

37 How I Accepted Almighty God

Dao Ming

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  God’s Words
How I Accepted Almighty God

      I was formerly a believer in the “Three-Self Church,” and I had followed Jesus for over twenty years. Like other brothers and sisters, I had also been awaiting the day when I would be raptured and meet God in the air. But later, everything I did was against this wish. Thinking back to that now, I really regret very much…

Monday, October 16, 2017

"Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China" | Eastern Lightning

"Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China" | Chinese Christians' Grisly Tale Christian Video

   Since it came to power in Mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been unceasing in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and burned countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and vainly attempted to eradicate all house churches. Recent years have also seen the CCP government's wide-scale introduction of policies aimed at the "Sinification" of Christianity. Thousands of church crosses have been demolished, many church buildings have been knocked down, and a great number of Christians in house churches have been arrested and persecuted. Christian churches in China suffer cruel and bloody persecution … 

Tai Chi Dance | "The Significance of the Appearance of God" | Eastern Lightning 

Tai Chi Dance | "The Significance of the Appearance of God"

     The new kingdom hymn “The Significance of the Appearance of God” is performed through Tai Chi Dance, which is special and fluent. It gently tells you the true significance of God’s work and word in His two incarnations. With green grass and blue sky as background, the dance perfectly corresponds to a soft, melodious ensemble of Zheng and Xiao, the discourse between classical musical instruments. The smooth melody, like heavenly music, takes you away from the noisy world to the Creator to enjoy His words of life in the new age!

Almighty God’s Word Has Conquered the Arrogant Me | Eastern Lightning 

34 Almighty God’s Word Has Conquered the Arrogant Me

Zhao Kun

I was born into a Christian family. I’m 50 years old. Since the 1970s, I had begun to serve God fervently. At that time, there weren’t many believers, so I became a leader in my twenties. I had joined several denominations, and in the end, I joined the “Shouters.” I thought that the messages of Witness Lee were the highest and best, and no one else could compare with him in the religious world.

The Wicked Must Be Punished | Eastern Lightning 

The Wicked Must Be Punished

The Church of Almighty God  Eastern Lightning  God’s Words
The Wicked Must Be Punished

Inspecting whether you practice righteousness in all that you do, and whether all of your actions are observed by God, are the behavioral principles of those who believe in God. You will be called righteous because you are able to satisfy God, and because you accept God’s care and protection. In God’s eyes, all those who accept God’s care, protection, and perfection and who are gained by Him, are righteous and looked upon with cherishment by God.