
Showing posts with label Gospel, Lord Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel, Lord Jesus. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

Yesterday I Resisted Almighty God in Corruption; Today I Am Willing to Sacrifice My Life for Him | Eastern Lightning

 Yesterday I Resisted Almighty God in Corruption; Today I Am Willing to Sacrifice My Life for Him

Kang Quanxi

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, get together
Yesterday I Resisted Almighty God in Corruption; Today I Am Willing to Sacrifice My Life for Him

I was born into a Christian family. Under the influence of my family, I began to read the Bible and practice living a godly life from childhood. As I grew older, I began to assiduously study the background of the Bible and the church history, and I could hardly tear myself away from the messages of Brother Nee and Brother Lee. Later, I became a leader and a national and international co-worker of the Local Church in Inner Mongolia. Since childhood, by God’s grace I had enjoyed God’s numerous blessings and experienced God’s salvation several times. But when God, who endured great humiliations and sufferings, was incarnated in this filthy and corrupt place again to do the work of salvation, I rejected, opposed, attacked, slandered, and even blasphemed Him. Whenever I think of these, I’m bitterly regretful and deeply feel that I’m unpardonably wicked and deserve more than death.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Without Almighty God, I Would Not Be Alive Today | Eastern Lightning 

 Without Almighty God, I Would Not Be Alive Today

Zhang Xuelou

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Jesus
Without Almighty God, I Would Not Be Alive Today

I was formerly a church leader in the Pentecostal Church and also a person who disobeyed and resisted Almighty God. As I had no discernment and firmly believed the rumors and the elder’s adverse words, and considered the “Eastern Lightning” a “heresy,” a “cult,” I resisted and blasphemed it desperately. It was not until I received God’s punishment and was confined to bed with serious illness that I was awakened. If God had not disciplined me so severely, I would still have been fooled and blinded by the rumors and have long died somewhere. It was the truth expressed by Almighty God in the last days that opened my spiritual eyes and aroused my heart of deep sleep, so that I prostrated myself in the light of God.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How I Fell Down Before Almighty God | Eastern Lightning 

How I Fell Down Before Almighty God

Fu Xuemin

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Jesus
How I Fell Down Before Almighty God 

I was formerly an area leader of the Joseph Church. In 1998, at a co-worker meeting, a senior area leader warned me in particular, “Brother Fu, the situations of the churches in your area are rather messy, so you have to work harder. Now the preachers of Almighty God are very aggressive and grow very fast in number. And their so-called little scroll is quite deceitful. You must guard the flock properly and not let any of them be taken captive. If you neglect your duty, you will have no crown.” From then on, I began to wantonly close all the churches in my area to outsiders. I said to the brothers and sisters, “Those who believe in Almighty God have departed from the Bible. Any belief apart from the Bible is heresy or cult. So, all of you, never come into contact with the believers in Almighty God, much less receive them. They are as dangerous as poisonous hooks. Once you contact them, you will become swollen and sore all over, and no doctor can cure you. If they read you their so-called little scroll, shut your ears to them. Once you listen to them, you will be bewitched, unable to escape no matter how you try….” In this way, I regarded the believers in Almighty God as enemies, did my utmost to resist Almighty God’s new work, and bound the brothers and sisters tightly in my hands.