
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A Hymn of God's Words "Offering the Most Precious Sacrifice to God"

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A Hymn of God's Words

 Offering the Most Precious Sacrifice to God

After years of hardships, chastised and refined, man finally is weather-beaten; glory, romance, now lost. He now understands the truth of being man and God's devotion. And so he offers up the most precious sacrifice to his God, who's smiling down on him. And so he offers up the most precious sacrifice to his God, who's smiling down on him.

 He loathes his wickedness, hates his savageness and misconceptions, and demands of God. He cannot reverse time, change all his regrets. But God's word and love now give him new life. And so he offers up the most precious sacrifice to his God, who's smiling down on him. And so he offers up the most precious sacrifice to his God, who's smiling down on him.
Day by day, man's wounds heal, strength returns. He stands, gazes at the face of the Almighty, only to discover God's always been here, His smile and His love still so beautiful. And so he offers up the most precious sacrifice to his God, who's smiling down on him. And so he offers up the most precious sacrifice to his God, who's smiling down on him.
 His heart holds man's concerns; His hands warm and strong, as they've always been from the beginning. It's like man's returned to Garden of Eden. He resists serpent, turns to Jehovah. And so he offers up the most precious sacrifice to his God, who's smiling down on him. And so he offers up the most precious sacrifice to his God, who's smiling down on him. Oh! My Lord! My God!

from "Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst the Management of God" in The Word Appears in the Flesh

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