
Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | A Different Kind of Love

A Different Kind of Love

Chengxin, Brazil

    By a chance opportunity in 2011, I came to Brazil from China. When I had just arrived, my eyes were overflowing with fresh and new experiences, curiosity, and I had a beautiful feeling about the future. But after a short time, this fresh and new feeling was quickly replaced by the loneliness and pain of finding myself in a far-off foreign land. Every day I went back home all alone, ate by myself, looking at the walls around me every day without anyone even to talk to, and I felt especially lonely in my heart, often crying all alone.

Friday, July 6, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | What is The Rapture?

What is The Rapture?
Li Huan

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,God’s work
What is The Rapture?

      Just like many other Christian brothers and sisters, I eagerly long for the second comingof the Lord Jesus. We abide by the following passage from the Bible: “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1Ts 4:17). For this reason, we foolishly look up to the skies longing for the day that Jesus will return and take us up into the clouds so that we can be with the Lord.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Judgment Has Begun in God’s Family

Judgment Has Begun in God’s Family

     Afterward, I actively participated in gatherings and I eagerly read God’s words. One day, I read the following passage: “I decide the destination of each person not on the basis of age, seniority, amount of suffering, and least of all, the degree to which they invite pity, but according to whether they possess the truth. There is no other choice but this. You must realize that all those who do not follow the will of God will be punished. This is an immutable fact. Therefore, all those who are punished are so punished for the righteousness of God and as retribution for their numerous evil acts” (“You Ought to Do Enough Good Deeds to Prepare for Your Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Judgment Has Begun in God’s Family

Judgment Has Begun in God’s Family
Aishen, America
The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, Gospel
Judgment Has Begun in God’s Family

       I am a Christian. When I first started believing in God, I frequently heard sermons where people said, “The Lord Jesus is our Redeemer. He was nailed to the cross for our sins. Jesus is merciful and loving. As long as we frequently come before the Lord and confess our sins through prayer, our sins will be forgiven and when the Lord returns, we will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Afterward, I noticed, when I read the Bible, many parts where the word “judgment” is mentioned. For example: “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God” (1Pe 4:17).

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

God Gave Me a New Life | "If I Were Not Saved by God" (Short Film/Music Video)

God Gave Me a New Life | "If I Were Not Saved by God" (Short Film/Music Video)

If I were not saved by God, I would still be drifting in this world, struggling hard and painfully in sin, every day bleak and hopeless. If I were not saved by God, I'd still be crushed below the devil's feet, snared in sin and its enjoyments, ignorant of what my life would be. It's Almighty God who saves me; all God's words have purified my heart.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Christian English Song | "Humanity’s Only Path to Enter Into Rest"

Christian English Song | "Humanity’s Only Path to Enter Into Rest"


Those who stand firm during God’s final cleansing

by chastisement and judgment will enter into the final rest.

Those who have broken free from Satan’s influence

will be obtained by God and enter the final rest.

The essence of judgment and chastisement

is to cleanse man for his final rest.

Without this work, people won’t be able to follow their own kind.

It’s the only way to enter rest.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

A Hymn of God's Words The Significance of Prayer

gospel music videos,gospel movies,pray to God

A Hymn of God's Words The Significance of Prayer 

Prayer is one of the ways how man cooperates with God, to call upon His Spirit and to be touched by God. The more you pray, the more you'll be touched, enlightened and strong-minded. People as such can be made perfect soon. The more you pray, the more you'll be touched, enlightened and strong-minded. People as such can be made perfect soon.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | In the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, Do You Know What God’s Hidden Intention Is?

In the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, Do You Know What God’s Hidden Intention Is?

One evening, as I sat at my desk after praying to God, I read the parable told by Jesus in Matthew 20:1-16, where the kingdom of heaven is likened to a landowner hiring workers for his vineyard, and it didn’t matter whether they went first thing in the morning or if it was in the noon or the afternoon that they went into the vineyard, their wages were all the same. When the workers who came first learned of this, they grumbled against the landowner, but the landowner replied by saying: “Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own? Is your eye evil, because I am good? So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen” (Mat 20:15-16).